Whats this?

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Y/N-your name
H/L-hair length
E/C-eye color

Its a normal day in the Mcduck manor.....kinda

"RUN SHE'LL GET US!"yelled the triplets while they ran down the hall

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY!" yelled webby from the shadows as she followed them

The triplets ran up the stairs almost bumping into uncle scrooge

"Oi careful lads!"
"SORRY UNCLE SCROOGE!" They yelled as the got in his office to hide

The boys let out a sigh as they heard webby in the kitchen calling out to them,the trio looked around scrooge's office in which they have not been in before.

"Hey guys is that uncle scrooge?"Dewey pointed out to his brothers while looking at the picture on the wall

"Hey it is but whos that next to him"?Louie asked while looking at the picture

As the trio were busy looking at the picture webby came from behind them
"FOUND YOU!"webby yelled exicted while shotting darts and the boys screamed

"So this is were you where"webby said
"Um webby...do you know who this is?"asked huey while pointing to the picture and shaking the darts off

All four looked at the picture on the wall that showed scrooge smiling while holding someone by his side but they could barely be seen cause of the veil tho they could see E/C eyes under it.

Before anyone could say anything scrooge entered
"What are you lot doing in here!"scrooge called from the open doorway

The four kids looked at each other then at scrooge who looked at them then looked up abit only for him to see that they were infront of THAT picture he lost it

"EVERYBODY OUT!"yelled scrooge that the kids looked shocked but they ranout to webbys room

Once they have all left scrooge closed the door and looked at the picture while memories flooded his mind

"Scrooge do you want to get married?"
"I have something to tell you"
"Do you really want to take a break from eachother?"

"Y/n I hope we meet again"scrooge said while covering the picture

Webby POV
I and the guys stayed in my room after Mr.mcduck yelled
"So webby do you know who they are?"
"Sorry huey but I am wondering to,see"

Webby showed them a board with newspapers,sticky notes,pictures, possibility notes with strings everywhere on the board

"Wow thats alot webby"said dewey
"I have been trying to solve this for awhile now but I can't find anything"
"Have you tried asking your grandma about it?"
"I have not,we can go ask now"
"YEAH!"yelled group

The group ran to find Mrs. Beakley vaccuming the carpets

"Granny do you know who is on the picture in Mr.mcduck's office?"
"I can't say webby"
"Ms.B please we want to know"
"FINE! and enough with the puppy dog eyes"
"Once I am done with my duties I will tell you"

Once Mrs.beakley said that the kids groan knowing she would say that but waited to know who that mysterious person was

"THIS IS TAKING FOREVER!"yelled louie just as Mrs.beakley walked into the dining room to see the kids moping around but once they saw her they shot up from the ground and in the chairs waiting eagerly

"Ok so that mysterious someone is my friend who has helped me and she knew I was a agent but still stuck by my side knowing that danger would show,we had great times together almost like sisters but since then I have not heard from her in ages"

"Granny whats there name?"
"Her name is y/n but don't talk about this to anyone is that clear you four?"
"Yes Ms.B/granny"
"Alright now run along now Mr.Mcduck might have an adventure ready for you all so go"
"Bye Ms.B/granny"called webby,huey,louie but dewey stay behind to talk

"Ms.B do you think y/n might might know about della?"he asked
"I think she might because she was here before I arrived"
"Okay thanks,BYE!"dewey yelled while running to the other

While dewey ran he thought he saw someone running along side him that had h/l  h/c hair and e/c  eyes looking at him and as he made it to the others the figure faded slowly while waveing at him and he waved back slowly

"Um guys I think I saw som-
"COMING UNCLE SCROOGE!"yelled huey then he turned to the rest
"Maybe we can find somthing about this y/n on this adventure,what do you guys thing?"
"Yeah I think we can find out some stuff"said louie

With their mindset on one thing they head out!

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