For the love of War

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With the power now gone, the explosion killing everyone except her, Samdra pulls herself out of the rubble in great pain and bruised from the blast. She cries a bit because she realizes that with her back to normal it means Loobo is dead. She wipes her tears and struggles to stand but does so with great pride. She has done it. The war is over, thanks to her. She can finally be with her family, with her twins. She looks around for survivors her vision is still a bit blurry from the head truama but she makes out most destruction. She begins to walk back holding herself together beaten up but victorious.

As she walks, she thinks to herself about the great price they all paid for their arrogance and pride in that they were unrivaled. This must change. It is not the way anymore. This recently defeated enemy has bested them at every turn, having the advantage most of the war. Eliminating their leaders, nullifying their powers, and making them desperate for guidance. Ngcamboo's hardwork should have paid off; she reasons.

Was this the choice the Goddess had warned Samdra about? Was Loobo accepting of his sacrifice or was he forced to do so? Did the Goddess know that they would win because of these requirements? Or was this just a test to see if we would have fulfilled such demands? She did say when this is all done I can finally join her in the eternal battle. I am walking away from the battle, I have been humbled to my core by a human, who's reserve and reasons were backed by great belief and faith. A human who he too, held the cosmic power for himself and his people. We both became gods among the humans and yet I stand here with life while his dedication, his careful planning , and persistence was met with failure. He deserved this victory more than I. Or was it chance? Or was it the intervention of the Goddess? No. It can't be we both held the power. War is decisive, hardly by chance. Even though I leave this now holy battleground with my life, for some reason I feel more defeated than my opponent who gave his life for his cause without hesistation.

Samdra looks back at the bunker all in destruction just a pile of rocks and dead comrades and enemies. The pain she feels is nothing compare to the pain she feels for the countless lives of old friends and family memebers who fell in this battle. The whole two generations wiped out the elder Grandmasters and the future grandmasters who lie here in this bunker. Only the children and babies that were sent away are tomorrow but if tomorrow spells this what happened today then there is no future. She stops in her path and sits down on a large piece of what was the bunker. holding her arms which is badly burned from the explosion struggling to get comfortable, she possibly has a few broken ribs, her blurred vision from a broken orbital bone. She prepares herself for one more meditation while still on the grounds of the battle. She must find the proper solution to the desicion that she is beginning to see is the Goddess' demands family or clan. She must be the new leader for tomorrow or suffer the same fate or worse death of the clan. She sits with as much calm and relaxation as possible under her conditions. and begins to release her soul from her body and looks up towards the heavens

"Olyar must have the answer I seek." Her soul says and just when she is about to lightspeed her way to the Goddess she is pulled violently back into her body.

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!" A scream is heard. A sharp pain is felt she falls to the ground. Conscious Samdra realizes she has been stabbed by a stinger, she quickly pulls it out and see Ngcamboo Badly burned only one eye open. He is Crisp black from the explosion but his rage clearly seen in his eyes. He jumps on her with great hatred he pulls out another stinger from his arm just like they with the fixed mechanism. Stabbing her anywhere yelling at the top of his lungs, normally she would easily disarm him but she is too damaged and was cheap shotted. Now she can barely move her arms her discipline is wavering and lets out a scream of pain, she muster strength to thrust her hips to toss him off her. She has been easily stabbed a good 15 times but most of her vital organs protected from the armor.

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