Duty Calls

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Samdra wakes up to rubble and debris everywhere, It was an explosion. It was the target's suicide mission, the information was leaked on purpose to lure out the pursuers to the death.

Samdra, survived the explosion because Boomer, Cysco, and Cyan took most of the blast, only taking a few second degree burns on her arms and legs but thanks to the armor most of her face and body was protected. She wakes up, adrenaline keeps her from feeling the pain sending in to the back of her mind. Gathering her vision back she gets a blurred vision of a man in the distance getting into modified Bumblebee, having a look of satisfaction as he see everything is decimated, noticing Samdra, he calmly gets in the Bumblebee, telling the pilot something and points towards Samdra.

The Modded Bumblebee begins to lift and turn to face Samdra, Its the crack of dawn as it begins to ascend and pick up speed and its lights shut off and buzz its way on Samdra's position.

Samdra, readies herself for the assult and begins to run away the Bumblebee as it gives chase, She knows she can't outrun nor can she mount the aircraft because it is too high, so she thinks to somehow misdirect it. As she is running she scopes out the land, even though the grass is high the bumblebee easily spots her she is wearing dark wear. Also, her camouflauge tech is damaged but she can't be sure because if it is not either way she has to choose a perfect time to use it. The bumblebee will nullify its ability due to the design to locate any friendlies. So, she has to deceive it the old way through good ole' misdirection. Watching her closely, The Real rebel leader watches while standing behind the pilot with a stone cold eyes, that see death,

He says, " Ready the cannon, before she can do anything, never underestimate their kind. They were bred and raised for these situations. Lets see if their Goddess will protect her now."

The cannon is exposed from the belly of the aircraft exactly like a Bee would position itself for a sting towards an enemy. It follows Samdra reaches a small of about 15 feet in height, perfect for not only escaping but protection and misdirection, but she must take precaution as she could easily kill herself if she falls incorrectly or injure herself more than what she already is. She Slides towards the ravine when she is about 3 feet away, as soon as she does an electrical BOOOM is heard, rocks and hot earth is exploding about 5 feet away from her, Her focus intensifies and she sees time slow down. Another shot lands but misses her this time only 4 feet away. The force pushes her to the right of her original fall point, as she falls she does her best, while freefalling, to backflip onto the opposing ravine wall to catch the excess force and slide down. Still seeing everything slowed down she pushes againts the very wall she is sliding on to place her stinger to stop her fall. She pulls the stingers from the forearm shooter to have them placed in a more ergronomic position while she climbs down, All while she is being barraged by the Bumblebee from above but she is protected by the small ravine opening.

The rebel leader from above says to the pilot,

"Thats enough, well played, believer, stop the chase its too late for this shit, the Bombs should have killed her in the first place. We have a schedule to keep, consider this a mission failed for both parties. Now, she knows my face and I know her's. We are making too much noise, we are suppose to be silent. Now we just prepare for the next attack. Let's get the fuck out of here." The rebel leader calmly orders, as he gives a slight smirk.

"...But sir, we can just continue the assault to open up the ravine..." the gunner interjects.

"No, that's what she wants for us to waste precious ammunition, to get close, to blur our vision of her. We will lose her before we even get a proper opening. The chance was lost. Maybe, if you weren't such a terrible shot it could have ended here. So, No." The rebel leader replies.

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