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We were mistaken, It was a trap. Ngcamboo knew that the old temples would nullify our abilities. And now I am fatally wounded and so is Lana. Loobo was right. We have gotten soft, our victories were our defeat. All the original Enforcers of Sirius are trap in the very temple designed by Sirius Saturn to test his champions. Now, we wait but for Lana and I we wait in vain with supplies low and and not enough medical supplies to patch up the deep wounds during the raid and then the ambush, Both my younger sister and I prepare our last breath.

Lana looks pale white she got a spear to the stomach has fought through the pain but has already lost too much blood. Her Cosmic powers do not work while in this temple, Samza and Broot tend to her as she loses the ability to stand on her own. To see this magnificent Cosmic warrior in such a weaken state scares me, It reminds me of fear, fear that I have not felt in such a long time. I remember when she carved through mountainous terrain as if sculpting clay with her abilities when we were with the Goddess Mother. Now, she shivers from the blood loss and and you see in her eyes the acceptance of death. we have lived for almost 400 years. In war, we were born and purposed for and now we die in the very heat of a war were our offsprings are left to fight this enemiy that clearly has the advantage because they did their research before attacking us.

Our arrogance, was our ultimate demise. Our belief that we were untouchable because of our favor to the goddess mother. I believe it was a test, like Loobo said. Our Goddess mother saw where we were headed and was displeased at our comfort level and our faith in our gifts instead of sharpening our skills like Loobo continued without rest. Now, only he and Samza remained capable of continuous battle, of war.

My forearm is broken, my cuts are deep and I too,, have lots tremedous amounts of blood. Even though, I conserve my energy to last as long as I can hoping that help will come but I am not holding my breath. I do have one regret, my grandchildren, the twins, I will miss holding them, I regret not being able to teach them how to fight, teach them my secret techniques, express to them my love. They already were never going to meet their beloved grandmother and now I. Samdra, would be devastated because I was pretty sure she was hoping that I would care for the twins since she was too afraid to be a mother. This hurts me more than the wounds I feel. Their future tears, I feel more like that is my blood escaping my body than the blood running from my wounds that the bandages can no longer contain. I cautiously walk to one of the walls to ease myself to the floor. I feel exhausted and sad. A tear jumps from my right eye as I tilt my head back from the thoughts blaring through my mind.

"Samdra, If you can hear me my child, forgive me. Now you must be their for your twins, I can no longer be able to do so. Goddess mother, please bless my child to come out victorious from this war, we have brought upon ourselves due to our arrogance. Watch over the twins, They are the future of the clan. I know she will be a great leader. Better than we were." I say this with my last breath but just before I do so, I look over to my left and I see that Lana is already gone to the eternal war with mother. As I see Samza, Broot, and Hawkan give her the salute the warriors heart. I see Loobo walk up to me. He looks into my eyes and kneels down on one knee and say,

"I will miss you, brother. Raise havoc while you are up there, for me. I too feel like I will be joining you soon. You know you can't fight them without me watching your back, so warm them up for me." Loobo had tooken off his helmet and place it in my lap, Then he placed his Fist to his heart, giving me the warrior heart salute. I see his eyes well up but no tear fall out and I whisper the last of my prayer and I slowly close my eyes as I feel a great sense of sleepiness. I get tunnel vision and I feel like I am being pulled up as if I am lighter than air. I feel the rush of air as I zoom past the temple upward, past the planet we are on, past galaxies and dust clouds, nebulas, supernovas, and black holes. I see a blinding Explosing of gold dust and gold light from the light and dust, I see Lana. Lana, in gold armor she walks up to me while I float and tell me,

Wilted BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora