Part two - Pebbles ;-;

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A/N: I am running off of 0 hours of sleep, my meds and monster soooooo, :D 

(Kentarou's POV)

I was putting the food on the table when Fumiko called the other two for dinner. I almost dropped the dish I was holding. I glared at her but she just shrugged and sat at the table. She has been hanging around the kitchen without helping the ENTIRE time. I sat down across from her as Takahiro ran down the stairs. He hopped into the chair next Fumiko and almost fell. I shook my head and chuckled underneath my breath. Mizuko came down the stairs in a much calmer manner and sat next to me.

"Ughhh, we still have one more day of school this week..." Takahiro whined and took a bite of his food. I roll my eyes and keep eating. Fumiko kicks me from under the table to get my attention. I look at her and she gives me the 'Let's mess with him' look. I smirk back and take another bite.

"So, Taka~" Fumiko says as she looks at Takahiro with a mischievous grin. Takahiro raises his eyebrows as he turns to Fumiko. I hear Mizuko sigh disappointingly from next to me. I turn to look at Takahiro as well.

"Yes Fumikoooo?" Takahiro knew something was up, but he was stupid. Always falls right into our traps.

"How is your Boyfriend~?" Fumiko pokes Takahiro's shoulder and he blushes. I snicker while Mizuko just shakes her head but laughs a little.

"Matsun isn't my Boyfriend!" Takahiro pushes Fumiko away and crosses his arms.

"Who said anything about Matsun?" I tease and lean on the table. Takahiro tries to stutter out a response but we all burst out laughing. Even Mizuko was laughing. Takahiro huffs but ends up laughing when Fumiko falls off her chair. 

After a bit we all calm down and finish eating. Mizuko takes the dishes to the sink and washes them while the rest of us sit on the couch. I was leaning against the edge of the couch while Fumiko was laying against me. Takahiro was sitting on the other edge of the couch while on his phone, probably scrolling through memes. When Mizuko finally finishes washing the dished, she comes over and sits between Fumiko and Takahiro. I put on a random show and check my phone to see messages from the group chat.


-[In the Aoba Johsai Group Chat]-

Oikawa: We will be having no morning practice tomorrow,                                                                          the gym is gonna be used for something. 

Matsun: I'm bored. 

Makki: Same, my family is  b o r i n g

Yahaba: I mean, at least you guys are hanging out! 

Kindaichi: Yea! Think happy :D

Watari: I have a video of Hanamaki-senpai doing a flip off a roof.

Makki: W h y

Watari: I don't even know myself.

Kyoutani: Why is everyone texting, did someone die or smth.

Yahaba: Hello to you too Kyoutani. 

Kyoutani: Fuck off Cream Puff

Yahaba: Wow

Yahaba: so original

Kyoutani: Shut up, no one cares.

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