Getting Back on Track!

Start from the beginning

"Felt like weeks."

He seemed to accept my answer and stood up from his chair and walked over to a desk in the corner that had a notebook and pen.

He grabbed the materials and handed them over to me.

"What's this for?" I ask as I grab them from Deku.

"As my girlfriend, I would be honored if you would write my will."

"Wait what!?" I shout out in surprise. "You're not gonna die!"

"Ah, but you're forgetting," he began as he scratched the back of his head. "I nearly killed most of my classmates. And the others I didn't even bother testing, making them feel like they weren't even worth killing."

"I might as well start my inheritance while I can."

I sighed as I put the materials away.

"You're overreacting."


"You were not overreacting." I corrected.

The first thing I see when I walk in is Deku being surrounded by 5 classmates with knives in their hands. 10 of them had RPGs and 2 had grenades in each hand.

Momo had a bazooka.

"So," Deku began as he looked on at all the weapons aimed at him. "How's life?"

"Dandy." Kirishima replied while locking on with his RPG.

"Isn't an RPG a bit.....much?" Deku inquired. "Especially 10 of them."

"Yeah you're right~," Kaminari began with a mocking tone. "Sorry, we forgot our city destroying kit at home because that must be the better choice!"

"Oh okay," Deku said while nervously laughing. "This is about the whole final exams thing, isn't it."

"No it's 'Bring War Gear to School Day'," Mina answered while stepping closer with her knife.

"See now, that, was unnecessary," Deku replied to her sarcasm.

He then bobbed his head to the right effortlessly as a knife came flying at his head.

"That was also unnecessary. Geez, you guys are acting like you almost died or something."

As soon as he said that, the ones with RPG's brought out a second RPG, the grenadiers brought out assault rifles, and the ones with knives brought out a miniguns.

Momo brought out a sniper rifle.

"You know, holding grudges isn't healthy."

"Neither is dying!" Mineta shouted at him.

Deku continued to chuckle nervously as they became more and more dead-set on blowing him to pieces.

"Yeah, that's great- no that's great. Ochako!" He yelled. "Would you mind helping me out here?"

I walked in fully and sat at my desk.

"Why are you asking me for help? You're the original, I'm the off-brand, remember?" I say to him with a small smirk.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh," Deku exclaimed while looking at me with a betrayed and annoyed look. "It's like that now?"

"Why whatever do you mean?" I asked with mock confusion and then and an innocent smile. "I'm the student, you're the teacher. So by all means: teach."

His left eye twitched in annoyance and he began to grumble incoherently.

Suddenly, Mr. Aizawa walked into the classroom and witnessed all the commotion. Once seeing all the weapons pointed at one person, he was at a complete loss.

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