Drinking in the Tavern S2 E9

Start from the beginning

"Mmm," Merlin nervously nodded.

"You took them?" Arthur asked.

"To keep you in shape," Merlin defended.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" Arthur inquired.

"No," Merlin shook his head. "Well, not yet."

"I am not fat!" Arthur exclaimed.

"You see, it's working," Merlin said before looking over at me. "It's a good idea to cut down, isn't it?"

I felt both their gazes on me and honestly had no idea what to say.

"I think Arthur is fine now. Wait a while before the cutting down," I finally said, hoping that it was a neutral answer.

"Thank you, Chelsea," Arthur said before he stared back at Merlin. "See?"

Merlin gave us both a smile before he picked up the sausages and walked out of the cell. I didn't need to ask to know where he was going and why he was actually taking Arthur's food.

"So? Shall we go to the tavern?" I smiled.

"Yeah. I need something to drink before I go and murder Merlin," Arthur said, draping an arm over my shoulders and leading us out of the cell.

Before we went down to the courtyard where we were gonna meet Leon, I returned to my room and grabbed a cloak as I didn't know how long we would be there and I didn't want to get cold. I then made a quick detour to Morgana's room to ask a favour.

"My lady," Gwen said when she answered the door.

"Good evening, Gwen," I smiled back. "Is Morgana in?"

The woman herself then walked into my view.

"Is everything alright?" Morgana asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just needed to ask a favour," I said.

"Of course. Anything you need."


After leaving Morgana's room, I made my way down to the courtyard where Leon and Arthur were already talking. It was strange how excited I was feeling to go to a place as simple as a tavern, but it was something I had never done before. Not to mention the fact that if my father found out he would be fuming that I'd disobeyed him, something that I was seeing as a bonus to going.

"If father is looking for me, I asked Morgana to say I am ill and with her," I told Arthur and Leon as I stopped beside them. "Father won't ask any questions cause it's me so we should be all good to go." I then turned to Arthur. "You better have brought a lot with you."

"I have enough," Arthur sighed, tapping the small bag he had attached to his belt.

"Let's go then," I smiled.

Leon nodded in agreement before he led us towards the lower town where the most popular tavern, 'The Three Arrows' resided. It was where many knights and guards went on their nights off and I presumed that Leon was one of their familiars as when we entered, the older barmaid came over straight away and kissed Leon on each cheek before messing up his hair.

"What can I get you, my dear," the barmaid asked Leon. She had her frizzy brown hair—that was tinged with grey—pulled back into a messy bun and her cheeks were a rosy pink from the heat of the room. Her blue blouse was pinned back with a white apron and both items of clothing were covered in some sort of ash and spilt liquid.

"Three of my usual please," Leon ordered for us.

As Leon went to help carry our drinks over, Arthur placed his hand on my lower back and led me over to an empty table in the corner of the room. Several times I had to dodge out of the way of drunk men who nearly spilt their drinks over us. But I didn't really mind.

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