19 4 9

It was a rather small store, small in building wise and particularly small in design. Jisung would be lying if he said he didn't expect something more ground breaking with the way Jaemin and Mark had described it.

Jisung recalls Mark saying once during a conversation about how if you looked too far you'd lose it, and he had been right. The store sat on the far end of the city, crossfading between the beach and the main road, almost landlocked between these two titles of location.

It was red in colour with white and black occasionally in the mix, little bells hanging from atop the roof and an electrifying blue shining dimly, displaying the name in full view against one window of the stop.

Jisung hadn't planned on coming to a record store for Jaemin but here he was, the other boy had refused to go near a three mile radius of the said store, in fear of bumping into the 'incredibly small but cute and terrifying' cashier again, to which he had developed a sudden and unexpected crush on shortly after a few stuttered apologises towards the bored looking boy.

In retrospect he could have asked Mark to come along, but he knows it would have ended with him forcing him to watch Jaehyun's younger cousin skate with his friends from afar, down the road at the skatepark, no effort to actually have a general conversation with him. What was up with his friends and being idiots?

The door opened suddenly, making him jump a little when another person left the store, bells dinging above him at impact of the door opening. A girl, looking no younger than Jisung himself, walked out, passing an easy smile, pulling him out of his mind and back to the task at hand.

Step 1, buy the weird named record Jaemin wanted for Jeno's birthday. Step 2, make Jaemin buy a gift for Jeno so he doesn't have to. Easy enough.

Walking in he felt a shiver cascade through his body, the air conditioner cool against his slightly sweaty back.

Inside was even more — foreseen, to say the least. Looking like every record store Jisung had ever been forced to enter in his last 19 years of living.

The usual smell of the ocean was chased away and left with something similar to an overwhelming aroma of lavender floating around, he outwardly ignored the smell, reminding him of the time he tried eating his mom's candle because it smelled good and looked like some funky shaped icepop.

He was browsing through the shelves of strangely similar looking records when he felt a feather light touch of a hand tap against his shoulder.

There was that strong smell of lavender again but this time it was transfixed with another smell, something similar to you'd smell in a garden, a smell without a visualisation. It was nice.

Jisung turned to find a boy, shorter than him, standing a few feet away with his hand still brought up, looking only slightly awkward.

"Hey, sorry to bother, could you move a bit, I just wanna grab-" he brought his hand up to Jisung's face, closing his eyes on reflex, only opening a moment later when the silence stretched out too long "-here,"

Jisung stuttered out a broken ok, as the boy smiled and left back to the cash register, ringing up another woman's order with the same friendly smile he had just offered to Jisung.

He stood there for a few seconds before turning away and walking out of the record store, face red and hands all gross and sweaty, which he blames on the heat and not the super pretty employee. He pretends like the smell of something sweet doesn't linger in his nose longer than he intended and he certainly doesn't admit he was disappointed once it left with the humid brush of wind.

Jisung avoids any questions on why he had come back empty handed with a shrug of his shoulder and a quick "I forgot." offered.

"What do you mean 'you forgot'?" Jaemin whines, growing increasingly annoying each second.

"I literally forgot," Jisung tries again, forcing a neutral enough face to shoo away the sulking male. "You dick, do you still have the money?"

"No Jaem, I shoved it up my ass," Jisung bites back, frowning when Jaemin looks back at him half confused and the other half impressed, "Yes I have your stupid money,"

"Why don't you just go there yourself?"

"Oh you naïve little boy," He spoke ignoring Jisung's exasperated 'Don't call me little' with usuality. "It's because there is the man of my dreams situated in that very store and until I am worthy enough, I sadly will not be stepping foot there." He finishes with a formal bow and a twanged British accent lacing his words.

"If I was him, I'd run. Very, very far."

i hope you enjoyed the first chap!!

it's pretty short for the first chapter but dw besties it'll get longer i promise :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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