꧁~Out for a Little Bit~(LXXIV)꧂

Start from the beginning

To be completely honest, it was odd how much I gave up simple distractions in life the moment I met him. In the short time I had known him, our lives seemed to revolve around a sole thing, each other. For better or worse, it was the truth, the truth I hadn't exactly realized before.

Somehow, it was like I understood for the first time that my life was a bit odd, I lived like nothing else in the world existed except for the two of us. Most of the time, it was only ever us.

As I fell out of thought, my attention immediately went to the left of me. The taller, yet younger girl was playing with my braided hair. Looking to her and her cousin, I could tell that the pretty gene Mrs. Billiam held, did not run dry in this bloodline.

I couldn't help but admire Trinity, she was nothing like the rest of her family I had met. That wasn't a bad thing by any means, but it was true, she was different. She was freely expressive and happy. I almost envied the fact that she was bold enough to take a step in the direction she wanted to go, not where she was told to go. Techno had already explained to me how she surprised everyone when she started rejecting simple traditions and did the opposite of what her older sister had. Working normal jobs that payed minimum wage, she started saving up to provide for herself in case she wouldn't be accepted by her parents and was to be cut off and thrown out, but that was the worst case scenario.

All of a sudden, my phone began to buzz, pulling it out of my pocket the words on the screen read "Becca is calling."

I smiled to myself, pressing 'accept' and holding it close to the side of my face.


"Heyyy," her voice rang out, it was always a comfort to hear her speak, "how are you doing, Mar Mar, are you doing alright?"

Chuckling, I could sense the minor worry, "Becca, I'm doing good, and yes I'm alright, you don't need to worry too much."

Techno's eyes flickered to mine, he looked almost startled by the mention of her name.

"Hey! You never know, you could be laying in a ditch somewhere in Tennessee, it could happen!"

"Like what if you were thrown off a mountain, that's possible, you're like as heavy as a.. a... a paperclip!"

"Wait what the fu- a paperclip?" Techno appeared confused, but attentive at the same time, "how did you come up with that?"

"D-Don't ask me, it was the first thing I could think off that was incredibly light, you should get my point!"

"But staying on track, you're also weak, like the other day, when you lifted your foot, you lost balance immediately, then you blamed it on your book bag-"

"The bag was actually heavy though! That wasn't my fault that I lost my balance!"

"Sure, sure," I recognized her sarcasm in an instant, "anyways, is Techno treating you right? Ask me to, and I will fight him, y'know just beat him down."

"Umm, ya know, I don't think that will be necessary, besides, of course he's been good to me."

"Whatever, give the phone to Techno, I need to tell him a thing or two."

Giving in, I said 'fiiine,' and put the phone in the boy's direction, his eyes grew wide as I told him, "Becca wants to speak to you."

He stuttered, hesitating to take the phone, but eventually surrendering and pulling it close to the side of his face.


I wanted to laugh, the look on his face covered with something of fear and caution. I could hear Becca talking, but I couldn't make out what she was saying. Although, I had a general idea in mind.

~Techno's POV~

"And you are to keep her safe, do you understand that?"

The tone she used was serious, it was obvious she meant what she said.

"Of course I do," I glanced at María, she was smiling at me, a sparkle in her eye, "...that's all I want to do."

I watched as Chris started conversation with María, quietly telling her a joke to which she chuckled at.

"For some reason, I can believe that, judging by the way you look at her."

Realizing I was staring at the girl, I looked away, watching the ground as I timidly asked, "what... what do you mean by that?"

"I think you'll figure it out soon enough. You can hand the phone back to María."

As I tapped her on the shoulder and placed the phone back in her hands, she gave a small 'thank you,' before talking to her friend on the other line.

I tuned out the conversation around me, not even listening to what she was saying, I just leaned my head back on the cushioned seat and watched her, admired her.

(A/N- This was another longer chapter, so I hope you enjoyed! I've been gone for a bit, like I haven't really written much, not even just the fact that I haven't posted in a while. Things have happened since the last time I posted more than a month and a half ago... I'll tell you about it when I feel like it, but right now I'm kinda tired. Also, if there are any mistakes you notice in this chapter, please let me know, I didn't really take the time to double check it all.

I love you! ❤️)

(Hamster Fact: Hamsters are expert crafters and great nest builders.)

1400 words

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