chapter 19 A dead rose with blood

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After a few more hours, Zack led him to their final destination.

'Where are we?' Philip asks with a mix of curiosity and fear.

'This is where our connection ends'

'I've saved you from danger, more than twice'

'The orders given to me have been... changed...'

'What happens to you now does not concern me. Whether you get hurt or die, It is not my fault'

'You're on your own now

'If you can get back to them- if you wish to go back to those men then I won't stop you'

'I'm only following my orders'

Phil tried to get close to the man and ask him but the man suddenly turned his back and flew away.

Phil has a very bad feeling about this place. He does not feel safe... to be more precise... he can sense danger... dangerous predators... near...and hungry...

Phil senses them getting  nearer. He bites down on his lip and starts to slowly walk away. He prays that they haven't smelled his scent yet.

Out of panic he starts running. He doesn't  want to die yet....

They sensed him already.... long before he started walking away.

He freezes in place when three men appeared in front of him. One has wings... while tbe other

'Well, well, well... And what do we have here? A cute little bunny rabbit?'

'Too bad I've already eaten...'

'What about you, Stephen? Maybe show this little bunny a good time

Phil doesn't open his eyes. He's  too scared of what they'll do to him.

They start laughing maniacally. Phil shivers as one gets too close to him... breathing  down his neck.

No one's going to save him...

'Hey now, little bunny. It's not nice not to look at the people  you're talking to'

Someone grabs him by the chin and forcefully makes him open his eyes.

'Take a good luck at us, little bunny. Who'd  you want to have fun with first?'

Philip looks at all of them... they ate all covered in blood. Some of them have blood around their mouths.... their claws and clothes are stained with the blood of their preys...

'I-I... I was about to go h-home...' Philip just hopes that they have a little sympathy left...

'Why not go home with us? You're  way cuter than those two'

Phil sees a severed head of a bunny girl.... the other girl got brutally mutilated... while the other girl seems to have gotten her heart ripped out... as well as her other organs... They are both bunnies... Seeming to look alike... Phil suspects that they are sisters.

Phil gulps, these men are dangerous... They are going to kill him...

Phil doesn't  know what to do... he drops to his knees  as tears are to fall from his eyes. 'Please... please don't kill me' Philip pleads for his life.

(Countryhuman) Deep In The Forest (My Prey) (Human Animals AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat