Azazel The Not So Fallen One

Start from the beginning

((A/n): this is what Joy (top) and Kinship (bottom) look like))

???: so you finally decided to show yourself Rider

(Y/n): yeah but I'm more surprised that your alive Fortitudo

Fortitudo: *appears from a golden light* indeed I am Rider and you will pay for what you did to Jubileus

Fortitudo: *appears from a golden light* indeed I am Rider and you will pay for what you did to Jubileus

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((A/n): this is what Fortitudo looks like))

(Y/n): let me guess I cracked her precious face revealing her true self?

Fortitudo: indeed you did now you will pay

(Y/n): ok then *transforms into her Rider form* let's dance boys~

And like that the Angels start their attack but before an affinity could even swing the weapon a bullet landed in it's skull killing it instantly and the culprit superhero landed in front of (Y/n)

(Y/n): nice landing Ceraza, how's the knees?

Bayonetta: they're fine love but you're probably wondering why I'm here

(Y/n): I'm gonna ask after we kill these freaks

Bayonetta: I couldn't agree more

With that both (Y/n) and Bayonetta engage with the Angels with (Y/n) summoning a single handed scythe in and Bayonetta firing love is blue at the Kinships giving (Y/n) a easier time dealing with the Affinities and Joys

(Y/n): now who's first?

Without warning two angelic bullets are shot at her forcing her to dodge the first one and catch second bullet with her teeth

(Y/n): *spits the bullet outta her mouth* nice shot but now it's my turn

And with that (Y/n) threw the scythe at a Joy with the handle wrapped up by a chain and once the scythe implanted into the chest

(Y/n): GET OVER HERE!!! *yanks the chain back*

With the now chain attached scythe pulling in the Angel and when within reach (Y/n) grabs it's neck and the scythe ripping it out of the chest then slashing off both arms then beheads the Joy

Zarathos: that was so unnecessary

(Y/n): I know but damn it felt good. Who's next?

And like that a large group of Angels came and tried to attack but were immediately stop as hellfire is fired and engulfed them leaving a small handful of Angels slowly backing away from (Y/n) in fear and as Kinships fell from the sky and Bayonetta landing next to (Y/n)

Bayonetta: well that takes care of that

(Y/n): all that's left is Fortitudo

Fortitudo: you're both fools for thinking I'm going to fight both you

(Y/n): not so much against me since you can't really do much to hurt me anyway but you wanting revenge against Cereza now that's a different story

Bayonetta: love you to darling

Fortitudo: as much as I would like to tango with the famed witch again I have to report back to Jubileus

And just like that Fortitudo disappeared into a holy light along the Angles that came with it, then (Y/n) returns back looking human once again and looks over to Bayonetta

(Y/n): so Cereza what are you doing here?

Bayonetta: can't a girl visit her sugar mummy~

(Y/n): it was only meant to be one night but noooo, just be lucky I haven't put a baby in you

Bayonetta: *giggles* even if you did I wouldn't get rid of it~

(Y/n): you hate it when small children cry I highly doubt you'll be able to handle a baby cry. So why are you here? Last I checked I told you not to come visit me while I'm working

Bayonetta: well Rodin just wanted me to find you so he can open a portal but before I give him your location *turns and faces where the harem is* you ladies can out now

At Bayonetta's request the group came out hiding and are standing in front of both Bayonetta and (Y/n)

Bayonetta: my (Y/n) who are these scrumptious looking women you've got here~?

(Y/n): eyes on me Cereza, just tell Rodin I have his halos and if he wants them he'll just have to find me

Bayonetta: sure thing love~ see ya

And just like that a portal opens up behind Bayonetta she just walks through it then it closes behind then Malina decided to speak up

Malina: was that the famed witch we've been hearing so much about?

(Y/n): yes

Zdrada: and sugar mummy hahaha what do you have a third leg in your in pants or something

(Y/n): I do, now let's get a move on there's angelic presence near by and I'm making sure it isn't one of the freaks

<time skip 10 mins brought to you by Chibi (Y/n) twirling a halo on her finger>

After dropping that bomb on the group, (Y/n) has found the angelic presence and it wasn't Affinity like she thought it was instead the Angel looks very human like

(Y/n): hello?

???: oh my stars! What's a human doing in Inferno?

(Y/n): I could ask you the same thing...

Azazel: oh right my name is Azazel

(Y/n): name's (Y/n), now why are you in hell?

Azazel: well I'm here to study on Demons and Sin, now why are you in Inferno?

(Y/n): I'm here for work but I can help you with your studies since I'm an expert on Sin

Azazel: *gasps* thank you so much! But why would a human be an expert on Sin?

(Y/n): because I'm the thing that sinners fear, I'm the Ghost Rider

Azazel: I see *starts taking notes* can I come with you to further my studies?!

(Y/n): sure just don't attack like your colleagues have been doing

Azazel: of course, I would never attack someone with such important information about Sin

And like that Azazel has unknowingly joined the harem and with introducing her to the rest of the harem and that finishes today's chapter I hoped you enjoyed it and I hope to see you soon bye bye

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