6. This is Living

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Fan Art: these two dorky porkies falling asleep hand in hand , how romantic 😩

A/N: this is the second part of the last chapter 🥳
few more to go !!! i hope y'all don't mind the POV changes , i just do what works best for each chapter .


3rd Person POV:

as the four were standing on the cliff , ready to jump then prepared themselves . "sunscreen for you , for you and for , NINO WAIT!!!" Mari yelled as Nino jumps off the cliff into the crystal water .

"oh my god" Adrien breathes .
"why isn't he coming back up?" alya worries as nino takes a while to come back up for air .

when suddenly nino pops up out of the water yelling with joy "come in guys it's awesome!" he says as the rest of them take a breathe of relief.

"oh it's so far down" alya hesitates , "fuck it" she says and jumps in to where Nino is waiting for her , they splash around and scream of joy .

"Adrien?!" the two yell from the water , "oh i'm going" he assures them while smirking at marinette , she knows that look all too well .

"NO!" she tries to hold away from Adrien trying to pick her up , "YESSSS!!" he laughs and finally gets a hold of her "hold your breathe this time so you don't die" he warns before jumping .

"WAIT NO WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS!!" she nervously laughs when suddenly he jumps off the cliff with her in his arms .

they land with a huge splash "holy shit , HOLY SHIT!" mari yells , "you did it!!!" alya hugs her as she's pulling her hair back from under the water.

Adrien watches as she does so and moves her body around so gracefully , his desire for her grew stronger by the hour .


the four played around in the water for some time until they got back to the hotel room , "oh my god i can't believe i did that" she beams and lands on the bed of their room .

"this is living" she sighs with a rush in her body , "i'm proud of you" Adrien says while laying next to her .
"why thank you , it was worth it , even though you could've killed me again but with water pressure this time" she giggles .

"i would have not" he rolls his eyes and turns towards her . "I'm glad we did it" she smiles at him "well i mean i'm also glad i didn't die in the process" she laughs and turns on her back .

"the pool looks nice , want to come with Nino and i ?" Alya asks them as she puts her hair up , "nah i'm gonna stay here" Mari says . "me too" Adrien grabs his water and takes a sip.

"k well don't have too much fun while we are gone crazy kids" Alya smirks and Mari throws a pillow at her as she closes their door .

"so what do you want to do" Adrien turns to face her on the bed . "any suggestions?" she wonders as they lay there , bored , with nothing to do but be in each others heating presence .

"we could watch a movie , rent some illegal shows , play a game , get ice cream , go down to the buffet , steal some ice from the lobbie , play would you rather" he suggests , "play would you rather? what are we 9?" she giggles .

"well hey i'm the only one with ideas here" he laughs "fine , you go first" she says .

"would you rather go out with one of your friends or jump off a cliff" he asks .

"i already jumped off a cliff" she giggles , "okay well jump and die" he specifies . "jeez why is it always life or death" she playfully shoves his arm .

"answer the question" he demands , "pushy are we?" she rolls her eyes , "i can be pushier" he stares deep into her soul , suddenly the tension grew stronger .

she looks at him up and down and takes a huge inhale , an energetic bolt goes down her body . all she feels is energy bolts .

"go out with one of my friends" she finally answers his question , he smirks "which one" he pokes her cheek , "that wasn't part of the question" she smiles smugly .

"okay fair , your turn" he says . "would you rather hook up with one of your friends or be locked up forever" this was her question .

"that's basically what i asked" he says "no , you said go out , which means relationships , hooking up is just sex" she tries .

"what if i want more than sex" he breathes in heavier , "that's not what i asked" she laughed , adrien loves her laugh .

"hookup with one of my friends" he admits finally staring at her , "who?" she wacks his head "i'm not telling , is someone jealous?" he smirks and she wacks him again , "okay okay" he laughs wincing in pain .

"your turn" she says again . "would you rather live here forever or back home?" he asks .  "back home" she simply answers without hesitation.

"why? like you said THIS is living" he asks again , "well because Paris has one thing that hawaii does not" mari sits up and takes a sip of
her water .

"what's that?" he sits up next to her , "water" she answers , "no stupid" he laughs, "i mean what does Paris have that isn't here?" he insinuates.

"super fashion model prodigy Adrien Agreste" she smirks and punches his shoulder lightly , "aw how sweet" he tightly wraps his arms around her in a hug , more like a squeeze .

"yeah yeah" she laughs , "being a model though kinda sucks , not to sound spoiled or anything" he admits , he's never done that before .

"of course it must suck , i mean your father exploits you to grow his brand , you have all these older women all over you as a child , you have such a strict schedule, you barley have time to live or breathe" she was always sympathetic with him , she knew though it seemed perfect to most , his life wasn't easy.

"wow that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me" he looks at her , eyes watery . no one had ever imagined the down side of things , only what's on the camera , never what's behind it .

"of course , and i know you adrien , you aren't spoiled , you're incredibly humble and kind , you always try to help people even though you're the one who needs it the most" she smiles kindly , showing him she's there for him .

suddenly he just embraced her in a meaningful hug , she instantly held him back and they stayed in each other's arms , bathing in each others warmth for a while .

THIS , was living .


A/N: EEEEEEE! 4 more chapters to go Shit heads  !! next chapter will be spicy and i hope you guys like it very much 😇😇

happy reading <333

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