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Scott's POV

We have been waiting for a good hour and a half before some doctor comes up to us with a somber face.

"How is she?" Both me and Aristos say at the same time.

"I would like to talk to the man who brought her in her boyfriend." Said Doctor Dre by the looks of his name tag.

"That would be ME." Said Aristos before I could.

They walk away and start to talk. By the time he comes back tears are streaming down his face.

"What's wrong?"

"You know Scott that information is only disclosed to family and I'm the boyfriend, so... who are you to know?"

"Goddammit Aristos you tell me or you won't see me again besides in her hospital room."

"That is if they let you in and she wants you there."

"Do you think I don't know how bad I fucked up."

"No I know for a fact you don't understand what a monumental fuck up this, because if you did you would have learned from the last time you opened your mouth and said some dumb shit."

I started to say something when Ruby says,

"Just go home Scott. I can't be around you right now knowing what you've done." He replied

"Just tell me how she is what is happening?"

"I said go the fuck home Scott before I can't control it and I deck you"

"Let me know what happened and I will........"

"You will what Scott? She's here because of you. There is a very good chance she doesn't even wake up because of what you did. Now just fucking leave and don't be at the house when I get back."

3rd POV

After the heated moment Scott stood there for a minute not knowing what to do. Eventually he left knowing this was mainly his fault and him being there wouldn't help.

Soon after Ruby went back to sitting in the waiting room while waiting for some good news.

Scott was on his way home mulling over the letter Alissa had written them.

Back to Scott's POV

I cannot believe Alissa thought she didn't matter she was one of the most important people in my life. She pulled me out of some of my darkest places.......

And how do I repay her kindness I drive her to her darkest. I can't believe I opened my mouth without thinking again because she was genuinly trynna help. Goddamnit what did I do? I need to fix this. But how in the fuck am I supposed to do that?

Aristos was right I can't be there I'm not good for her. I just need to pack my shit up and leave because I only cause problems.

Aristos POV

I may have been unnecessarily harsh but he's the reason I may never see her baby blue eyes again, hold her hand, tell her how unbelievable beautiful she is, how important she is to me and everyone that she meets, or even just get a chance to tell her how much I was in love with her.

The last one hit the hardest because I have been in love with her since we were kids and I've had a multitude of chance to tell her how I felt. But each time I always chickened out and said I'd do it next time.

Before she asked me to leave I was really close to telling her and now I'll never get the chance.

I need to smoke a cig. I walked outside the hospital to smoke one of my cigarettes but I had her pack of kools in my pocket and I nearly broke. She always had kools and I fucking wish she were here I don't give a shit what kind of cigarettes she smokes I just wanna talk to her.

As I was sitting there the night sky looked as if it were filled with the same diemonds that filled her eyes if you looked close enough. I found myself wishing for just one more chance to give her a kiss, one more chance at a night like this.

I went back in the hospital to find they were having a code blue and a group of nurses running in the direction of Lisa's room. I ran after them to find out what is going on. The group went to her room and I felt my heart stop.

Shes not going to make it out of this.

Was my first thought and I couldn't get it out of my head as I was escorted back to the waiting room. The person who escorted me told me they were going to do everything they possibly could to make sure she is OK. Somehow this wasn't promising enough and I was still worried beyond belief that she wouldn't make it.

I waited for 40 min in the waiting room before a doctor came in walking directly towards me. When she got in front of me I stood up and as I stood up and asked, "How is she?"

With a somber face the doctor told me, "Sir you might want to sit back down........"

While I hate to do it I had to make another cliff hanger. But fear not dear reader there may be another part after this one but only time will tell as you can see if you look at my track record. Anyways how've you guys been because my life has been a whole train wreck for a while but on a better note I hope everyone had a great Holiday and was able to spend it with loving family. Sorry for being gone for so long.
Au revoir mes chérie,


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