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Oddy's POV
Slick left a few hours ago and he says he can't find her, I'm getting worried so I'm a stop by her place.

*time skip brought by Sapphire da blue berry*

When I got there there was only the entry way light on this was out of usual because she always turned on the lights she's afraid of what's in the dark.

I walked up and I smelled something burning through the door and I already knew Slick had fbar'd. I started banging on the door trynna get her to open it.

I finally remembered that she kept her emergency key under her eight rock to the door I get it and go to open the door....

When I walked in I saw her body motionless needle in. I froze I didn't know if she'd ever get back up. I went and checked her to see if she had a heart beat and she did.

So I picked her and the note that was next to her up and ran her to my car and speed to the hospital. When I got there the bitch working the desk said I had to fill out a fucking packet so I replied, "The fuck can't you see my girlfriend here is nearly dead." I swear she nearly shit herself but nodded her head and called for someone to come get her quick.

When they took her away saying I couldn't follow her I sat down and started to read the letter.

Now I'm sitting here crying like a little bitch. How is this how Alissa thinks of herself? How did I fuck up so bad that she didn't know that she was the only reason I'm still standing here today?

Scott's POV
I've been looking for hours at this point and I can't find her. I'm starting to lose hope before Aristos calls me.
(A=Aristos S= Scott)

S:Where in the fuck are you?
A:This is all your fault.
S:What happened did you find her is she alright?
A:I don't know this is all because of you.
S:What do you mean?
A:Meet me at highway 59 and 420th.
S:Isn't that the hospital?
A:Yeah. You've gotta read something when you get here.

Rip when I wrote POV for Scott's in my autocorrect suggestions it said POVERTY.
Anyways I've decided to continue even tho I hate my writing. I hope y'all like it and do you want Alissa to survive or Naw? Anyways I haven't been able to sleep at all the last few nights and it's 5 am so I'ma try and get some sleep.

...And to Those I love, Thanks for Sticking AroundWhere stories live. Discover now