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Scott's POV
I started reading the note and it broke me to read what she had wrote thinking she was about to die.

Dear Aristos and Scott,

We all know I've never been one for mushy moments so I'll write y'all a little poem,

I'm matter but I don't matter,
I can feel my skull shatter from the dull chatter,
Brain splattered on the wall,
Cause I'm alway boasting my emotions on how I'm so fucking broken,
Y'all always thought I was joking about blowing my head open till you waking and find my body motionless needle in,
I always burnt my bridges cause I would've rather fall in ditches,
I'm about to die and y'all are gonna blame my addictions,
But I'd rather swallow bullets till my lips seep red.

I really thought y'all were different but I guess the same hero's I once had have been reduced to toys.

But I'm just another death shy of living a long life, raise your heads up high you said you'd ride, don't forget to say goodbye because when it's your time, it's too late you can't rewind, we live only to die.

I wanted to tell you guys something life is terminal there's no way out alive. I wish y'all the best with your music but I can't continue on.
Let me rest in peace.
P.s. Always be yourselves and if people don't like you that way then they shouldn't be around you this is me signing off I know you guys will miss me but I miss my dead friends.

I can't believe this is all my fault I just hope she's ok and I can apologize even if she can't forgive me. It's just comforting to know she alive and well.

"What happened Ruby?" I asked barely audibly. "In what fucking world do you think you should even be here right now? The only reason you're here is because her note said dear Aristos and Scott if not I would've let you waste the rest of your night on the streets looking for ALISSA BUT SHE OVERDOSED BECAUSE OF YOU." He yelled at me I didn't even try to fight back Ik I deserved it.

"I'm sorry for what it's worth." I told him. "Well it ain't worth fucking much is it."He spat at me.
I knew I deserved all of what he was telling me because it was all my fault she had just hit 6 months clean and I fucked it all up. I'll never forgive myself, and if I do it will only be because she wants me to but I doubt that will happen.

I can't take this anymore I need to see her. "When can we see her?" I asked. "I'LL be able to see her in a few hours at best." He replied putting emphasis on the word I'll. "But I should be able to see her too." I said. "No only family is aloud back there." He said. "Then how the fuck are going to?" I asked confused. "I'm the boyfriend" He said with a smile. "No you're not." I said loudly. He whispered in my ear while smiling..........

"They don't know that do they?"

I live even though I don't really want to. My phone likes fucking with me and while I was writing Scrims POV it came up with POLICE and I was speechless. But in all fairness I told y'all there wasn't gon be no set schedule. Ok deuces.

...And to Those I love, Thanks for Sticking AroundWhere stories live. Discover now