The Prep

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"Yeah Yeah Yeah!" Microphone shouted, winning the match. Everyone was gathered around the TV, watching her, Pickle, and Trophy playing a fighting game.

"You guys are no damn fun. I swear, it's a shitty put together game set out for a measly cash grab." Trophy growled as he got up to go get some water.

Pickle laughed. "You'll get better with practice, and aren't all games technically cash grabs?"

Grunting at what Pickle said, Trophy bumped into OJ who fell on the ground. Luckily, he made sure none of his juice spilled out.

"Hey everyone, I have some news!" OJ got up and smiled. "I'm going to take Paintbrush, Nickel, Balloon, Yin-Yang, Box, Fan, and Test Tube on a cruise! In truth, I'm very nervous about this, as I won't be here to run the hotel for a while."

Pickle motioned to Paintbrush and applauded them. He then looked over at Paper, who was looking really nervous. "You're leaving tomorrow!? B-But that mean's y-you'll be gone a-and-"

"Paper, We're going to be leaving the day after tomorrow." He reassured the thin object. "I'm just as nervous about leaving as you are, so I've decided I want to throw a party with you all! One big party for this summer until we be on our way."

He then proceeded to pull out a list and asked everyone to stand in a line. "Let's see, Microphone, go buy some new CDs for the boombox. Soap, clean everything up before the party starts. Cheesy, Salt, Pepper, and Cherries, do the cooking. Tissues, just wear a mask please."

After assigning everyone their tasks, OJ eventually got down to Pickle. "And Pickle, you have the really important task of getting the tables, chairs, and umbrellas out of the storage and into the back."

"Of course, OJ!" Pickle nodded and he was given the basement keys. Everyone proceeded to go to their selected task.

Getting down to the basement, Pickle grabbed the key ring. He had a bad feeling about the storage this time around, which was odd. Ignoring the gut feeling, he put the key into the hole. With a twist, the door had been opened.

He took a look around. Nothing that could have trickled his gut too much, but it did smell a bit like gasoline. A loud noise then entered his ears. It sounded like rummaging. How could something or someone enter this room? The door was locked!

"Well, there's a possibility Test Tube somehow got inside, since she's working on pool touch ups..." Pickle muttered to himself as he got out a flashlight to investigate the sound.

Suddenly, a lot of equipment fell on top of Pickle. He overheard footsteps, as if it was somebody trying to make a mad dash out of the storage. Frantically, he quickly shoved the rubble off of him as he grabbed onto the perpetrator.


"Dammit," Taco squirmed in his grasp. "Let go of me you- Wait, Pickle!?" she immediately stopped trying to escape as she saw the familiar face. "Well, umm... good day, old friend. I take it life has been treating you well? It certainly has for me, but then I got stuck here... Could you let me out?"

Pickle tossed her onto a chair as he locked the door shut. He glanced back at Taco, who has an incredibly nervous look on her face.

"Listen, you know we aren't friends anymore after what you did," he said, as she appeared to be even more aghast. "What are you doing back here, and how did you even get inside this room?"

Taco got up and walked over to him. "Well, you see... I can't exactly answer the first question, but..." she reaches inside her shell and pulls out a wall teleporter. "Someone left a window open, so I jumped inside. I used this wall teleporter to enter the basement since it was locked. Sadly, I used up the last charge on my entrance and I didn't find what I was looking for. I needed someone to open up the basement, and I made my run to get out. Obviously, I got caught."

I can't believe I got caught by Pickle of all people...

"Fine, I'll let you out. Just don't come back"

Pickle reluctantly sighed as he unlocked the basement door. Taco shined a wide smile as she snuck out of the room, making sure not to get caught.

Pickle slowly got the supplies out of the storage one by one. OJ smiles as he moved them into another room.

But he couldn't stop thinking about her for the rest of the day.

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