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You and your dad managed to make it into an RV before you got eaten alive and you just sat on the counter swaying your legs.

The door flew open and one of the people from Alexandria walked in shutting the door behind him. He was hunched over and panting.

it was dark as hell inside so he didn't see you or your dad

you just stared at the guy

"I hope you got your shitting pants on." Your dad says looking at the intruder but still hiding in the shadows so he wasn't visible

"What?" The man says looking up to where the voice was coming from

"Your shittin' pants." He says as if he was stating the obvious

"I hope you're wearing them right now..." he says walking into the light making himself visible

"'cause you...are about to shit your pants." He adds and you can hear the smirk in his voice.

The taps of walkers on the outside were barely noticeable but still there as they swarmed the entire thing.


It's been a few days since Alexandria's attack. We cleared out most of the walkers and most of the dead bodies were gone.

you sat with your legs hanging over the balcony.

you looked around at the world as we know it.

It was as if the world lost its color.

The sky was dull.

The grass was dead.

The leaves looked bland.

You wished the world was normal again.
You could get a boyfriend, Go to parties, Do everything girls your age do.

But you couldn't.

You couldn't do anything anymore.

god did you wish your biggest worry was the dress you were gonna wear to prom.

instead it's worrying about when you're gonna get torn apart and eaten alive by the living dead.

You looked below you at all the ashes and dirt piles on the ground. The yard was full of debris from the fires.

geez it feels like the living people are more dangerous than the dead guys.

Your people would end up going missing randomly or their dead bodies would be found out in the woods

The others were preparing guns, ammo, and other weapons. Alexandria wanted a war. We were gonna give it to them.

"y/n ." You hear your dads voice behind you causing you to turn around

"Get inside now."

"Don't come out." He ordered and you just nodded getting up and going to your room. He informed you that Alexandria was back and was fighting again.

•Red Roses (Carl Grimes Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now