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"i miss you!" ari pouts on the phone. harry frowns back.

"miss you too, babes. but you'll be back next week, yeah?"

"yeah. feels like forever since we just chilled out. also i got some news to tell you!"

"oh? what's up?"

"i think dad is seeing someone!"

harry's heart starts to beat.

"why do you say that?"

"he's been all secretive. he's smiling at his cellphone and hiding out. also for the past few months he's just been extra happy. you know how daddy is. he's always been a bit of a hard ass."

"maybe he's just in a better mood now."

"come on harry. this is my dad we're talking about. he's seeing someone. i know it!"

harry was going to say something when he heard his phone beep. he looks and sees it's the man in question.

"ari, i have to call you back. getting a phone call from the school." harry lies.

"okay! but you better call me right back!"

harry hums before ending the call with ari and answering zayn's call.

"hey, babe."


"how are you doing?"

"im doing good. how are you?"

"im a bit stressed. in the office right now. i finally fixed the error and i just can't wait to get back home. i miss you."

"i miss you too, zayn."

"we'll see each other again very soon. coming back next week. you know you can just go there right? wait for ari and i to get home!"

"wouldn't that be suspicious. ari already thinks you're dating."

"it'll be alright. she'll think you're there for her. it's not like you've never just come over before when we weren't there."


"trust me. then we can all watch whatever corny shit you and ari are watching before going to bed and then you can meet me in the bedroom and we can make up for lost time." zayn smirks.

"id like that."

"good. because for the first few rounds i will not be going soft. im fucking you long and hard."

harry blushes.


"you better believe it!"


harry looks over at his mom. his eyes widens when he see she has a black eye and a bruise on her neck.

"is everything okay?" zayn asked.

"i- yeah. ill call you later."

"bab-" but zayn couldn't get a word in as harry ends the call to help his mom.

"mom! what happened?"

"this man was way too- i told him to stop but he got angry- then he left."

"mom, did he?"

"no darling. he just- he smacked me around a bit but-"

"mom, that's still terrible. you need to stop okay?"

"gotta pay the bills."

"ill get another job. you don't need to worry about that."

"baby, i can't have you do that."

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