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"no, i told you that i want that to be here thursday. do your job and make sure i have that package here. otherwise im gonna have to start looking for a new assistant." zayn groans as he ends the phone call.

he spots his boyfriend in just some shorts. he bites back a moan when his daughter comes into view.

"hey, daddy. did i hear you yelling?"

"it's just business princess. what are you two doing?"

"cane from the mall and now we're hanging out. about to watch a movie and the theater. you wanna join us?"

zayn shakes his head.

"no, baby. im good. i got to get an early night in. you should do, darling. tomorrow we're flying out to see your grandparents. you two shouldn't stay up to late."

"we won't, dad. goodnight."

"goodnight baby." zayn says. he was talking to both ari and harry and harry knew that once he spots him looking at him.

ari and harry head to the theater room. they decided on watching mean girls.

ari had fallen asleep halfway through the movie.

harry looks over at his best friend as he shakes her a bit.

"the movies over, babes."

"okay. carry me upstairs?" ariana gives him a cheeky smile.

harry playfully rolls his eyes but carries her upstairs anyway.

once harry sets her down he grabs his cellphone and begins texting his mom to make sure she's okay.

when he didn't get a response he shakes his head and decides he'll see her tomorrow.

harry bites his bottom lip as he starts to text zayn.

are you asleep?

no. im up. thinkin' bout you though.

yes. im always thinking about you baby.

im thinking about you too actually. missing you so much actually. i know im gonna miss the hell out of you when you and ari leave.

i told you that you can come. im sure your mom wouldn't mind.

i don't think that's a good idea z. plus i have to get back to my mom. she needs me.

needs you?

just- we only have each other is all.

ok babe. just know if you change your mind ill be so quick to fly you out there with me. you know ill be gone for about three weeks. got to make sure my company is set in london, yeah?

i will. im gonna miss you and ari.

we'll miss you too darling. goodnight.


harry closes his phone and falls asleep soon after closing his cellphone.
"im gonna miss you." ari pouts as she hugs her best friend.

"ill miss you more. it's just three weeks though. three weeks and we can enjoy our final few months of summer before we're both dorm mates in college!"

"im so fucking excited! love you. ill be in the car daddy."

"okay sweet heart, harry, i think you left your backpack upstairs."

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