If I can see you again, 这一次不在乎多么危险

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if only taehyung knew how pitied he would feel in this new school, he would never agree to transfer in the middle of the year. he had no friends, and boys won't talk to him even if necessary, everyone had someone since the beginning of the year, and he was the least wanted out there.

taehyung felt like the most unfit puzzle piece.

but that kind park jimin, with whom he sits during his science class, gave him a tad bit of confidence in himself. jimin looks at him with no judgment or prejudice, it felt nice to have someone, not that they are best friends, no. but mere acquaintances of grins are enough sometimes.

and the times when jimin is far away in their other classes, he finds himself staring at the pretty boy with the most beautiful eyes, hands, hair, and lips he's ever seen. jungkook. he is the talk of the class, everyone knows him, he is every girl's crush and everyone's final dream.

taehyung only feels belonging with the boy's liking.

class president, prom king, school heartthrob, and more are considered jungkook's titles on an average school day. not a single person is not influenced by his charms and delicate extroversions that make him this small school's most popular student.

taehyung looks extremely dumb trying to catch a glimpse of jungkook every time in class since taehyung sits off in the back of the class with the quiet girls because those stupid boys never let him sit with them. and his dear jungkook up in the front of the class.

he just tells himself that it is impossible to be ever noticed by jungkook at this rate of progression.

taehyung eats lunch inside the class while jungkook goes elsewhere in the canteen together with his numbered friends.

yes, he should never dream about him.

but somehow his old grumpy math teacher makes him sit in front of the class beside jungkook in her subject. it gives him both giddy feelings and anxiety from the boys making fun of him being called out. it gives them an excuse to call him stupid in algebra.

fortunately, taehyung aced the class. he did not do it to shut them up, but to impress jungkook. yet the universe is not his best friend either, the boys just started calling him a nerd.

when are they ever okay with him?

he still enjoys secretly looking at the breathtaking boy, simply admiring his messy notes written with a blue gel pen. taehyung does not like blue ink or gel pens - likely because they are too expensive for him -, but he makes an exception. he is just a high school kid with an unreasonable crush.

he wishes jungkook, the perfect boy, looks at him with the same amount of galaxies in his eyes.

the school provides school vans for the children. taehyung only takes the one that drops him home, one of his parents usually drives him every morning. he feels reassured to have jimin in his van with him, taehyung does not feel as pressured sitting adjacent to older students.

sometimes the van takes time to arrive, so the students wait for a bit. taehyung was sitting and having a conversation with jimin, it was just jimin talking, and taehyung was slyly looking at jungkook talking to his crowd of friends.

soon, jimin got quieter, and jungkook's friends got lesser.

the van arrived but taehyung stayed unaware of himself. jungkook was prettier than a trivial school van. the lovely boy was busy on his phone, with a friend. still, he looked greater than any of taehyung's dreams.

taehyung wonders what is so interesting that jungkook is looking at on his phone. taehyung is not allowed to bring his phone to school so it is very amusing to him to see students with gadgets. he also wonders why is the alluring boy not as happy as a few hours ago with people around.

taehyung wonders what van is jungkook waiting for, he wonders how long will this delicate boy have to wait. it was not until jimin dragged him out of the school gates and into the van car.

If I can see you again, 这一次不在乎多么危险
⫽If I can see you again, this time I don't care how dangerous it is⫽

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