It's A Lonely Night, It's A Quiet Night

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"You're not making any sense," protested weakly Felix. "Do you want to kill me so you won't have to bow again to a potential King? Is that it?"

"Ah, no, that'd be silly. Tell me, Lee Felix, do you know what was the greatest mistake ever made in History?"

"No, but I guess you're going to tell me," he huffed.

Fabian's eyes crinkled just a bit. "It was killing the Last King and thinking his foolish ideals of peace would die with him."

Felix's breath caught in his throat as his slightly frazzled mind quickly connected the dots. After a few seconds of silence, he gulped, and dared to speak up.

"You... You're the one who killed Yongbok...?"

"Well, not directly. As powerful as I was back then, I wasn't an Original like him – I wouldn't have stood a chance. Plus, a Vampire killing another Vampire wouldn't have sent the same kind of message, you know? No, we needed something much more striking – hence the Human assassin we generously paid for his services."

"I- I don't understand. Why would you have him killed? He was respected, he brought peace and prosperity to both kinds—"

"Because Humans and Vampires are not meant to coexist," hissed Fabian, showing an ounce of irritation. "Vampires are the superior species and Humans are nothing more than fucking livestock! Miserable cattle meant to satisfy our endless existence!" He slammed his fist against the door, making Felix jump back a bit. "We could have won this war had it not been for this cowardly King! We could have claimed the Earth for ourselves and lived in eternal glory, instead of being treated like losers doomed to haunt the shadows!!!"

"That's- that's not what happened. Humans and Vampires live together now, and it works. You're free to walk about in daylight just as much as them, you can buy the same food, live in the same neighborhoods, go to the same schools!"

"We deserve more than that!!!" Felix took another step back, scared. "But you... you wouldn't understand. You're no better than your first incarnation – still a peace-loving, foolhardy coward."

"... what do you want from me?" Felix eventually dared to ask again. "What's done is done, and Yongbok- Yongbok is gone. Your ploy worked. Reincarnation or not, I'm just- I'm just Felix. What could you possibly want more?"

"I want the victory we are due," growled Fabian. "And you are the key to it. It's simple, really: we've figured that the only way to undo the established peace was by destroying it with the very person that created it in the first place – you."

"I'm not going to help you bring about war and destruction! Are you insane!?"

"You're not going to have a choice," snorted Fabian, calming down a bit. "Now, here's what's going to happen: you are going to undergo the last stage of the transformation process, and become Yongbok again. And, once you've reclaimed your powers, you will also reclaim the throne, and you will declare war on humankind once more. You can fight it all you want, 'cause we have all the time in the world to make you change your mind."

"Even- even if I do become Yongbok again, what makes you think he'll think any different than I do?" insisted Felix. If he wasn't scared before, he definitely was now. "He's the one who instigated the end of the Great Warring Times – why would he desecrate his own heritage and ideals of the sort?"

"Mmm, I don't want to entirely spoil the surprise... Let's just say that newborns are so, so easy to manipulate, hm? You might possess great self-control, boy, but not even Yongbok's reincarnation will be able to resist the call of blood for long – and until your mind caves in and you finally become the monster you've denied for so long... well, I guess you're just going to stay here." With a small, cruel laugh, Fabian suddenly slid the vision panel shut. "See you on the other side, Yongbok!"

I'm just lonely (somebody reach out and hold me)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें