I Don't Seem To Belong Anywhere By Myself

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Felix could feel all of the stares weighing on him as he slowly made his way through the campus in direction of the secretary's office. He had been hoping his arrival wouldn't stand out too much, but every single student he crossed paths with would stare after him until he was out of their sight.

He didn't feel unwelcomed or threatened, just a bit uncomfortable – as if everyone was either curious, confused, or even wary about his presence. So, not outright rejecting him from the get-go, but definitely aware that he shouldn't be there in the first place.

He didn't have much time to linger on the thought, however, as he finally reached his destination. A little anxious despite knowing his transfer had been successful, Felix entered the office. Inside were only two people: a man who looked familiar, but whom Felix couldn't quite place, and a woman sitting at the desk in front of him.

The moment he stepped inside, the two of them looked up, their red eyes almost reflecting his own.

"Oh, you must be our new addition!" greeted cheerfully the unknown man, instantly walking up to greet him. He extended his hand with a grin. "I'm JYP, the co-director of the school, and the one in charge of the Nighttime College. Tell me, have you been settling well with your new status?"

"It's... a work in progress," relented Felix with half-a-smile, shaking the hand offered. He was half-scared he'd tear off the guy's arm but, thankfully enough, it stayed in place. "I'm Lee Felix, but you knew that already. Erm, thank you for approving of my transfer so quickly."

"Human or Vampire, you're still one of our precious students. Anything to help," replied simply JYP with a grin. "Anyway, I'll be leaving you in the care of Miss Sung now. If you ever need help with something, though, don't hesitate to drop by my office at any hour of the night."

"W- will do. Thank you, sir."

With a friendly pat on Felix's shoulder, the director then left. As soon as he was gone, Miss Sung offered Felix a warm smile that showed off her sharp fangs. Felix was just a bit disturbed by it, merely because he had been taught growing up that a Vampire showing their fangs was meant as posturing or threatening, depending on the context, but he decided not to comment on it.

"Welcome. I'm the secretary and the one in charge of handling the transfers," she introduced herself, pushing a small file forward. "In this you'll find your new schedule, along with the rules of the Nighttime Classes, a list of the services available, and the contacts of all of the teachers and staff working the graveyard shift." The last sentence was clearly meant as a joke, but Felix wasn't sure he fully understood the humor behind it, though he figured he would in time. "In any case, if you have any questions or requests regarding your classes, feel free to ask any of your teachers, or to come directly to me if there's an issue. Oh, and you'll also find a new student card in there, which will grant you access to different parts of the school library, along with the midnight meal service."

"Midnight meal service?" he echoed, curious.

"Aah. The cafeteria is open at all hours of the night and you normally have to pay if you want a snack, like you would during daytime. However, Vampires without a coven, most of them usually newly-turned Vampires, are offered one free meal per week, along with daily free snacks, for the entirety of their first semester. It's meant to help them settle into the new rhythm of their life and teach newly-turned self-control," she explained with a kind smile. "If you ever find yourself having difficulties with procuring food, however, don't hesitate to bring up the issue with me or another of the staff. We can easily adapt to a more appropriate feeding schedule depending on the needs of every student."

"That's... wow. That's really helpful," he admitted, surprised. "But, if I may ask... if it's open all hours of the night, why midnight?"

She grinned at that. "It sounds cooler."

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