It's A Lonely Night, It's A Quiet Night

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"I found this further down the street."

Jisung cursed loudly, while Hyunjin let out a small whimper. From Jeongin's hand was hanging Felix's talisman, the one he always wore as an earring. They knew the freckled boy usually wore two of those, as a precaution, but they also knew their friend wouldn't have been careless enough to lose it, and the current circumstances didn't paint a pretty picture.

Felix had been taken, and they didn't know why, or by whom.

"It must the one who attacked him!" exclaimed angrily Jisung.

"Who?" frowned Minho.

"His Sire! We all know Felix wasn't turned willingly, but he doesn't talk about it, like, ever. What if his Sire came back to get rid of him so he wouldn't get in trouble!?"

"Don't say stuff like that!" snapped Hyunjin, whacking his arm.

"I'm sorry, I'm panicking!"

"Felix is fine – for now." All eyes instantly snapped to Chan, who seemed... resigned. "I believe I know who's taken him."

"What are you saying, hyung?" asked hesitantly Changbin.

"It's... complicated. You see, Felix... Felix isn't just any Vampire."


Felix cursed under his breath as he failed to force open the door, even with his enhanced strength. He'd woken up on the cold, stone floor of some sort of cell or basement, in complete darkness, and he'd been trying to get out for what felt like hours, now. He'd spotted a door in the back, but there was no lock or handle, and he still couldn't get it to open, for some reason.

Damn it! I should just have gone back with them! He felt like crying, letting himself slide down the wall. Why is everything always going wrong!?

But then, someone decided to join his pity party.

"Finally awake, huh?"

Felix stiffened, eyes snapping up. The door was still closed shut, but a small vision panel had slid open on the other side, revealing a pair of gleaming red eyes.

"You!" Felix slammed his fist against the door, gritting his teeth. "Who are you!?"

"My name is Fabian. It's nice to finally be able to speak properly, isn't it?"

"What the hell do you want from me!?"

"Straight to the point, huh? You haven't changed," muttered the man on the other side. "But since I'm not in the mood to waste my time, I'll humor you. You've done your research on Yongbok, haven't you?"

"I... Yes. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, he's you, for one. You're him. Or, more precisely, you can become who you used to be. By completing the transformation process, you will regain all of your fabled powers and become, once again, the most powerful Vampire in existence," summarized his captor as if he was talking about the weather.

"I- I can't do that. I'm just me. I'm not King material," insisted Felix, his voice shaky.

"No, you're not – and yet, the empty throne is still yours to claim." He heaved out a sigh. "Though, our organization isn't very fond of the idea of the Last King taking over again – Lord knows he made enough of a mess when he was still alive. We've never had to worry about previous reincarnations before, they've always died on their own, but you... Hmm, you have a lot more potential than the rest. You could actually make it through the last stage of the transformation process. What an amusing thought, isn't it?"

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