Like Aliens Trying To Blend In With Earthlings

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"And that's The Wall!"

Felix shot a deadpan look at Jisung. "Yeah, I can see it's a wall. Why are we here again?"

The day had been going pretty well so far. Felix had never noticed how many hangout spots for Vampires could be found in Seoul. They'd gone to a cat café where the animals were actually trained not to be instinctively scared of them, they'd visited a cool restaurant/cinema where they offered a special menu to satisfy Vampires with all sorts of fancy presentations and neat movie picks.

There was a giant shopping district entirely dedicated to the Vampire culture. Clothing of all time periods and eras could be found, and Felix had caved in to his friends' demands and had tried on a Victorian gown that ended up suiting him surprisingly well. There were also books and scriptures, what would be considered antiques along with technology better suited for Vampires – such as reinforced phone cases, to protect their phones better from their enhanced strength – and basically all sorts of resources that Felix would definitely have to check out later.

They'd also walked passed a bar that was currently closed due to the early hours of the day but, according to Felix's friends, it was open every night and it was the best place to be if you wanted to hang out with people, have fun, and let loose. It was a mixed place, so both Humans and Vampires frequented it, but the security was top-notch – no shady deals, no drugs, no Vampire venom, no biting (even consensual) and, most importantly, it was a "zero tolerance for intolerance" kind of place, meaning racists could just get lost.

The Human blood he'd consumed earlier that morning had made a notable difference, with his energy levels hitting an all-time high even though he knew he'd normally be hitting his bed for a nap in that moment. As such, it was with a bounce in his step that he'd followed his friends to their next destination...

... only to find himself a bit disappointed.

"Don't make that face," laughed Hyunjin, patting his shoulder. "This place is great!"

"... I'm confused."

They were standing a few meters away from a really high and large wall – maybe about five stories high? It looked pretty sturdy, and fairly imposing too, and it was kind of weird since it was a single brick wall smack in the middle of a park, but Felix couldn't put his finger on what was special about their new destination.

"This place is more active at night, that's why it doesn't look like much right now," explained Seungmin, his lips quirking up at Felix's confusion. "Vampires use this spot to hang out and challenge each other to The Climb – every month or so, an unofficial competition is held between the challengers to see who can manage to climb the highest. There's a money pot and everything, bets, crowned champions, that sort of stuff. It's really entertaining."

"There used to be a containment facility for Vampires here. It was taken down a little under two centuries ago, but they never managed to tear down this particular wall – it was made too solidly, meant to resist numerous Vampires' full strength, so they eventually gave up and left it there," added Jisung, grinning from ear to ear. "The younger generations of Vampires first used to come here for the scary factor but, a few decades ago, it turned into a popular hot spot for socializing and having fun."

"And what does The Climb entail, specifically?" asked Felix, curious.

"Well, it's pretty self-explanatory: the challengers have to scale the wall as far up as they can manage. They can gain momentum from the starting line painted over there, but not further than that, and they only get one chance per competition. The one who makes it the highest is crowned champion, gets to sign The Wall, and win the money pot," answered Hyunjin with a wistful smile.

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