me and cheesy? Share a room? this is ridiculous!

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"Ok, so Cheesy and... Trophy! You two will be sharing a room together! Is that okay with you?" Oj says to us.

I can't BELIEVE he thinks I want to share a room with the most annoying man in the entirety of hotel Oj (and possibly the world). I was stuck with him and Tissues and Yin Yang and all the other losers in that closet for so long! It isn't fair! I look at cheesy, surely he is thinking the same exact thing right? Wrong.
He looks to me with a big smile on his face. Is he a sociopath or something?
"Don't worry Oj! Me and Trophy will do just fine in a room together! Isn't that right buddy? You love to hear my cheesy puns!" He elbows me in the ribs.
"Ow! Back off dude!"
I say to Cheesy but he doesn't grasp the concept of personal space, just like everything that's somewhat serious, and decides to side hug me instead. I'm going to punch this little twerp before we even get to our room. Wait, our? NO! IM NOT DEALING WITH THIS!
"Well that's good, then!"
"Here are your keys, enjoy your new rooms!"
He's already walking away from me. I can't believe I have to be stuck with.. HIM!
I gotta put Cheesy in his place.
I grab him by the shoulders.
"Okay you dumb loser, let me make one thing clear. Do not TOUCH ME. Do not even come CLOSE to me. If you do, you are inviting yourself to meet my fists in your face!" I grab his shoulders harder and scowl at him, but he isn't phased at all.
"If you ever punched me, it would be a catasTROPHY!"
he tries to slap his knee but I catch his hand in mine, I'm not giving him the satisfaction of a knee slap.
"Hehe.. Trophy! At least take me out to dinner first!"
"Suuuuuure your not! Then why did you basically beg Oj to share a room with me?"
he puts his hand to my lips.
"No more bickering trophy! Any more of that and you'd blow up like Hotel Oj! He knee slaps and I don't stop him this time, it's a small price to pay for shutting his trap up. Might as well just let it happen.
"I'm sure we will be the best of roommates in no time!"
"And I'm sure you'll get on my nerves too quick to talk about it." I say back to him as we walk to our room.

and they were roommates! (oh my god they were roommates!)Where stories live. Discover now