chapter 4 -listen to de music-

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Everyone went to their locker, and put their hero suits on. Of course mineta tried to look into a hole in the boys locker room to the girls locker room. Let's just say that someone handled it.

When they we done some of them were terrified on what can happen. If they scared all might then their bad news.

Once they were all outside they divided to split up into groups 3 to be exact. Todoroki, momo, kaminari, kirishima, (I think I spelled that right) and who else you want to be on this team. Bakugo, mina, sero, koda, and who else you want to be on the team. The last group is everyone else that y'all didn't pick.

Group 1: todo

Group 2 : bakugo

Group 3 : who ever y'all chose

Group 1 went to a building.

Group 2 went to a park.

Group 3 went to a hotel.

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