My Mum's thoughts on Allmother Narwa

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So, I showed my mum Narwa the Allmother after I got a shot(which I'm still terrified of), and...well...

Me: Ooh! I know what monster you'd like best! *pops up a picture of Narwa the allmother*

Mum: Where's her face?

Me: *zooms in to the bottom right where her face is* she...floats basically. And this is Ibushi and this is Narwa, but then Narwa consumes Ibushi's power so she becomes the Allmother!


Me: They're the...embodiments of chaos and destruction, so...yeah.

Mum: And why would you think I'd like that!?

Me: I dunno...she was purple and pretty. I mean, look at 'er! She's practically like you!

Mum: *hits my sore arm from the shot purposely hard*

Me: Fuck.

Mum: What the FUCK did you say!?

And yeah. Well. I need to take a Tylenol to help me forget the pain in both my head AND arm now...

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