Burning and Freezing (is this a dream?)

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A/N: Thanks for all the views so far! Hope you enjoy chapter twooooooooooo

Exploding the door knob instead of the actual door, in case it hit Deku in the face, Katsuki barged in.

Milky sunlight filtered through the curtains, near the bed, Bakugou noticed a familiar mob of viridant hair.

Coughing, Deku let out a strangled call of 'Kacchan'.

"Oi Deku, what the f*ck?!" Katsuki yelled, running to his companion.

Groaning painfully instead of replying, Bakugou decided to ask about it after and carefully picked the grenette up and placed him back onto the All Might blanket. Switching into his analytical mode that was usually used for hero-training, Katsuki noted that Deku's hands were cold, but his face was practically radiating heat, with sweat trickling down it. Dark bags traced his rims, and to put it simply, the nerd looked like a mess.

Concluding that Deku obviously had a high fever, possibly from overworking and running in cold rain, Bakugou threatened Deku to stay in bed and not get up, though it was lacking its usual heat.

"K-kach-" Deku hoarsely coughs, "I-im f-fine!" he stammers, attempting to smile despite the fact that it's completely weak and nothing as bright as usual against his ghostly pale face.

"Don't give me that bullsh*t Deku, I'm taking you to the old healing hag"

"B-but Kac-han, I d-don't nee-d to-"

Irritated beyond belief (and undoubtedly worried out of his mind) Bakugou snapped at the grenette.

"Are you even hearing yourself right now?! You can barely sit up or speak without nearly coughing your lungs out. Your skin is wax-white and you're burning up!"

Midoriya remained quiet, only looking down in silence.

"I-I can't bother R-recovery Gi-irl for s-somet-hing like... like this." the nerd finally stammered out.

Bother? Things like this is the old woman's job!

Katsuki would like to say he's surprised but... in a way he's not. Deku's never been the one to want to accept help even when he knew that he couldn't do it alone. There was always this underlying desire to prove that he was strong enough on his own, that he appreciated the offer but he wasn't weak.

Katsuki understood that.

He probably understood it better than most.

But to this extent? It was just stupid as f*ck.

"K-kacchan... I promise, I'l-l be fine." Deku says determinedly, swaying, but still standing nonetheless and Katsuki accepts that he wasn't going to be able to convince Deku otherwise.

For now.

Katsuki told Deku to get back in bed before he went to try and find a thermometer.


Leaning against his cupboard for support, Izuku acknowledged Kacchan sending him a glare and grumbling something along the lines of a thermometer, but the deafening ringing in his head muddled his mind too much to think properly.

He knew he should go see Recovery Girl, but... why should he bother her with something like this? It was just a cold. He could deal with that.

He always had, so why couldn't he now?

Was he supposed to see her because he had a quirk now so he was entitled to special treatment for minor things?

A bitter uncurling feeling lingered in his stomach at the thought of how different it was to have a quirk now.

Fever! Deku Catches a Cold REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now