LMG: Aggressor

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It's been a long time since we've met!
Is the boy next to our class still your bet?
I'm scared, someone pointed me a knife
We once had a trade, an apple for a life

Chanting gibberish words was our habit
"Shimmering-Glimmering, Antsy-Bitsy-Bit"
It was so fun when we were kids
But, I guess it's time to send my bids

We carved a dream, to be on the top
"Kill him, kill him", please tell me to stop
I didn't expect this kind of path
All we do was flex our wrath

Farewell my friend, for I need to pass
I'll have to do some important task
Look at the window, with your chins up
6:45, is when the sunset'll stop


I looked at my phone, and it's already 6:42 PM. I guess it's almost been a day since I've slept.

I went to the window slowly, as I observed the sun setting. I delicately moved the curtain away, and an exquisite scenery awaited me.

I remember everything.

That time, when the sun was setting.

May 18, 2012.

"I just noticed that I'm in a 5th floor inside a place called Room 18.", I said to myself. Safflower was being beaten by thugs when we were 7.

We definitely met at that certain playground. My blood always tells me when a person can use a kind of Craft.

I acted admirable infront of him to activate his Craft. "My memories' not that old to not forget that we're 5 that time."

2 years later, we've met once again. But in a different situation. I've summoned an arch and fired 3 bows for each thugs that was beating you.

The thugs, obviously, got scared and ran away.

As the sun was about to set, my tears suddenly ran down my cheeks as well. I couldn't stop myself from letting out my emotions.


But this is weird, I know myself, that I feel sad. But there's something cramping inside me, it's not physically, and it's somewhat mentally.

I just couldn't stop myself. I kept on crying and wiping my eyes, repeatedly with my fist.

The momentary pain is more vivid than the everlasting happiness we made.

I looked outside the window once again. He's been along with me in this journey,  as his friend, I'll grant our dreams, together!

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