New Student {schlattbur}

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Schlatt was a CEO of a big company. A bigshot that had made it in the world at the young age of 21. Wilbur, on the other hand, was a poor college student that barely made enough to afford college. 

-Wilbur POV-

Wilbur was currently sitting at a table on a lawn on campus studying for his upcoming physics test. Well, he was before a bunch of yelling got his attention.

"Hello" A voice, identified as his friend Connor, said as they sat down across from Wilbur with a lollipop in his mouth.

"Hey, what's all the commotion about?" Wilbur asked as he marked his page and closed his physics book.

"Some kind of hotshot, a CEO of sorts, has enrolled here. Goes by the name Schlatt. You know, the new student in our English class. Oh shit, right, you fell asleep that day in class" Connor continued as he continued to eat his lollipop. If people thought Wilbur was popular, Schlatt was even more popular on campus.

"Oh look, there he comes" Connor said as Wilbur looked to where he was looking. There walked a man in a business suit, a slight stubble in his chin. He was being followed by quite a bit of fan girls who were trying to get his attention. Wilbur couldn't help but admire the way the light perfectly illuminated his face. All the right places are illuminated with the right amount of shadow in the right place.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" Schlatt said with a smirk, catching Wilbur off guard.

"That's the cheesiest thing I may have ever heard," Wilbur retorted, causing Schlatt to chuckle.

"Wilbur, right? And you're Connor" Schlatt confirmed before continuing, "I assume you know more about this place than I do. Do you happen to know a place that has some privacy?"

Before Wilbur could respond, Connor butted in, "Just come to our dorm"

Wilbur gave Connor a look of disbelief before Schlatt happily agreed. The next thing he knew, they were walking across campus towards the dorms. Wilbur could feel the eyes on him as he walked through the campus next to Connor and Schlatt. He soon realized that with a single glare from Schlatt, the students watching him found sudden interest in other nearby things. They eventually made it to their dorms where they opted to just relax. Connor went into the small kitchen to retrieve some drinks as Schlatt settled onto the couch while Wilbur awkwardly stood around. He hesitantly approached and sat next to him.

"You play the guitar?" Schlatt asked, gazing at the guitar leaned against the couch.

"Of course. I write a couple of songs too" Wilbur responded, quite proud of his talents.

"Damn. That's awesome." Schlatt said as he continued to look at the guitar. Wilbur decided to to his room where he set his bag down. He was tired but he didn't want to be rude when he had a guest over. He returned to the main "living" room where Connor was chatting with Schlatt. When Schlatt saw him, he winked, causing Wilber to slightly blush. Deciding that two could play that game, he decided to do a bit of his own flirting.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked when he walked in.

"Schlatt was just wondering if he could stay the night" Connor responded as he poured himself a cup of coke.

"Didn't even ask me out to dinner first. Wow" Wilbur said, voice teasing. He smirked when he saw a light blush settle upon Schlatt's cheeks. He walked over to the table and poured himself a cup of soda.

"Wanna get some lunch love birds?" Connor asked, looking between the two of them.

"I-what?!" Schlatt asked, the blush darkening. Wilbur could feel his own cheeks heat up. They both did eventually agree as they were quite hungry.

They eventually decided on some lunch at a local diner, Wilbur's pick and Schlatt ended up paying despite the two protesting boys. Throughout the entire meal, Wilbur had been teasing Schlatt. Putting his hand on the other's thigh, rubbing his foot on the other's leg, little things like that to get him flustered. Connor complained about being a 3rd wheel but ultimately had fun. They chatted about home life, what they were majoring in, and other random topics as such.

They eventually made it back to campus where they decided to watch a movie. It was a Saturday so they didn't have class the next day. Schlatt was curled up next to the taller one on the couch, it took much convincing from Wilbur, under a light blanket. Wilbur was playing with Schlatt's hair, in a soothing way. Connor was curled up on a beanbag with the bag of popcorn. The other two turned down popcorn which Connor didn't approve of.

Soon, one by one, they all eventually fell asleep. Wilbur, then Schlatt. Connor was left to clean up after the movie had finished. He decided to leave the two to sleep on the couch as they had looked very comfortable and retired to his own room.


I wished this was longer but it is currently 4:30 am and I am tired

I hope you enjoyed nonetheless

MCYT Oneshots ✨Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ