Failing {Dreamnoblade}🐱

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Techno was among those at the top of his grade and was a straight-A student. He was quiet in class and very anti-social. Dream on the other hand typically had straight-A grades and was the head of the football team. Recently however, his grades had been slipping.

"Dream, You can't go to that party tonight" George stated "You have to study for the English test tomorrow and if you end up with a hangover, you'll definitely fail that test"

"George is right, Dream. You can't go" Sapnap said as they finished up gathering their football equipment. Dream just rolled his eyes and shut his locker.

"I'll be fine. The concept isn't difficult to grasp" Dream said as he picked his bag up. He turned around and exited the locker room with George and Sapnap on his heel. As he exited the room, he ran straight into Techno. Techno gave a small yelp as he toppled to the ground with Dream on him.

"What the fuck?!" Dream shouted as he propped himself up onto his hands and knees. In this position, he was face to face with Techno. Silence stretched out as Dream stared into Techno's eyes.

"Are you going to get off of me?" Techo stated, breaking the silence. Dream blinked back into reality.

"U-Uh.. Yeah!" Dream said as he quickly got up. "Watch where you're going next time"

"Bruhhh" Techno responded with an eye roll. He picked himself up and glared at Dream and his friends. "If I recall, you were the one who ran into me"

"If you weren't in the way, I wouldn't have ran into you" Dream responded. With this comment, he pushed past Techno and completely exited the locker room with George and Sapnap in tow. When they made it out of the building, Sapnap turned towards Dream and stated "What the hell was that?"

Dream just shrugged and fetched his keys out of his pocket. "I'll talk to you guys later"

"Alright then. You better not show up to Punz's party tonight" George called out as Dream walked away. As Dream climbed into his car, he shut the door with a sigh. He leaned back and took a deep breath. He didn't know why Techno caused him to feel the way he did but, he knew that he hated his guts. No matter what Dream had accomplished in class, Techno managed to get more recognition. Dream had always resented him. He gave up trying to excel in class and instead worked in his athletic abilities. He worked hard and eventually became the captain of the football team. Just last year, he managed to become the head of the soccer team just because he was bored. Dream started his car and started his drive home. The song "Sweater Weather" started to play on the radio. Dream hummed along to the lyrics.

"One love, two mouth. One love, one house. No shirts, no blouse. Just us, you find out" Dream quietly sang along. He pulled into his driveway as the song ended. He turned his vehicle off, grabbed his bag from the passenger seat where it was thrown, and exited the vehicle. He locked the car after him and entered his house. He went upstairs into his room and shut the door. He gazed across the room to his collection of trophies. Sighing, he set his backpack down and plopped down onto the bed. As he closed his eyes, he told himself that he would only rest his eyes for a moment.


When Dream awoke, he realized that it was already 7 pm. He had been asleep for 2 hours. He laid there for a couple seconds pondering what to do with his time. On one hand, he could actually study for the English test tomorrow but on the other hand, he could go to Punz's party. He finally made the final decision of going to the party for a little while before coming back home to study for a little bit. He sat himself up and decided to take a shower before going to the party. Dream entered the bathroom and decided to take a 5 minute shower. He relaxed as the warm water ran across his skin. When he was finished with his shower, he stepped out and dried himself off. He changed into a lime green hoodie and some jeans. He grabbed his phone and keys and headed out of the house. Getting into his car, he drove to Punz's house which was a few blocks away. Even before he arrived, he could see cars parked down the street. Punz always threw the best parties and everyone seemed to show up. Everyone except Techno. It was rare to find I'm at a party. Parking his car is a reserved spot Punz saved for him, he walks up to the front door. Flashing lights could be seen through the window and the music could be heard all the way outside. The front door was open and Dream let himself in. Immediately, he was overcome with the sight of lots of people dancing, drinking, and having fun. He brushed past many drunk people before discovering a group known as the sleepy bois. This group consisted of Wilbur, Philza, Techno, and Tommy. Tommy wasn't here which was probably a good thing. They were quietly engaged in a conversation with one another. Dream could tell Techno seemed very uncomfortable to be here.

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