Diner Pt 2 {Dreamnoblade & Georgebur} 🐱

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Techno POV

Techno continued to stare at his phone debating whether or not he should message him. It was late at night and Techno had spent the last hour stressing out. Social Anxiety was not fun at all. He was knocked out of his thoughts when he phone pinged with a message. He hesitantly picked it up and saw that it was a notification from Dream.

"Hey! This is Dream's friend Sapnap, he is too nervous to text you himself lol. I'm currently hiding in the bathroom after stealing his phone but I was wondering if you were free this Saturday."

Techno stared at the message for a solid 5 minutes, rereading it as if he couldn't believe it. Taking a deep breath, he typed out a response and sent it.

Dream POV

"Sapnap! Give me my phone back! Geooooooorge! Quit laughing!" Dream shouted as George started to laugh hysterically. Grabbing the doorknob, he violently shook the door. Just as he was about to bust down the door, Tubbo walked into the room looking fairly grim.

"Dad wants to talk to you," Tubbo said, glancing at George who was fairly red from laughing. The room suddenly fell into silence as Dream just stared at Tubbo. The bathroom door creaked open, revealing Sapnap. He looked absolutely confused as he passed the phone back to Dream.

"I, the best wingman in the entire world, just set up the possibility of a date," he said, smirking. Dream looked at his phone and saw the message that Sapnap sent and Techno's response of "not sure yet, why?"

"What the hell?!" Dream shouted. "Why would you ask him? If I show up to the Gala without a female date, who knows what my parents will say?"

"Bro, calm down" Sapnap simply said with an eye roll. "It's not like you've ever brought up the topic to your parents, who's to say that they are homophobic"

"Still, they're really adamant about finding me a girlfriend and a future wife." Dream responded.

"Dream..." Tubbo said reverting the attention back to him.

"Alright, I'm going downstairs now" Dream said as he got up with a deep breath. He headed downstairs to find his father and mother in the kitchen. His father was seated at the island while his mother was making dinner with the help of some maids.

"Hey sweetie" Dream's mom said when she noticed him enter the room. "Lunch will be ready in half an hour."

"We need to talk" Dream's father said, looking up from his papers. Dream gulped and took a seat in front of him. A maid came by and poured Dream a glass of water.

"As you know, our company is holding a Gala this Saturday." He started, prompting a nod from Dream. "I am allowing you to bring your friends and they can each have a plus one only, if you have a date."

"I-" Dream started before falling silent. He contemplated the pros and cons of his father's offer. His father was often obsessed with the family and company image so having Dream bring a date would boost their reputation. Dream came up with a decision and responded with "Okay."


"Hell yeah!" Sapnap cheered after they had finished dinner. They were hanging out in Dream's room and were discussing the upcoming Gala.

"We are going to Sleepy Dine tomorrow for lunch" Sapnap stated with a tone that didn't allow any discussion. The tone that mothers would typically use on their children. Dream just looked at George before rolling his eyes.

"Sure, but we have to go to the tailor for a fitting tomorrow as well" Dream said as George got a call. George answered the phone and walked out of the room talking to someone. When he returned, he simply stated "I have to get home, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

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