"Well, I don't see any!" argued Jiwon.

"Fine, I will get you a pet dog like Lucario," said Lacy.

"NO!" declined Jiwon.

"Uh, but why? Didn't you want a dog?" asked Lacy.

"I don't think that I am responsible for taking care of a dog," said Jiwon, which left Lacy confused. 'Jiwon is suffering from Jiwon's syndrome' thought Lacy.

"Oh! Look!" said Jiwon pointing in the direction. "Those people seem familiar," said Jiwon.

"Yes, of course, they are Woobin, Jungmo, and Taeyoung," said Lacy. 

"HEY GUYS!" shouted Hyeonjun as he saw his people gathered at the same spot.

"If this isn't a coincidence then I don't know what it is," said Jungmo.

Meanwhile, Woobin was starting to get traumas as the four people with equal null brains have come together. 

"Yay! Good to see you guys. How were your missions?" asked Lacy, "It was all right," said Woobin. 

"Do you guys know any lounge reservations nearby so we can do it tonight?" asked Jiwon, who was aware of the time. It was 5 which was already on the verge of the night.

Woobin shook his head and so did other people.

"Great, now we have to find a place for shelter or else prepare your sleeping bags!" said Wonjin.

"I don't like sleeping in the open," said Jiwon, "you know bugs are disgusting" 

"Let's go a little further, maybe there is a place," said Woobin and everyone agreed.

"DID YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SUFFERED BECAUSE OF YOU?" shouted Hyeongjun, obviously it referred to Taeyoung.


"Sorry!" said Taeyoung, joining his hand, "forgiveness is one of the kindest qualities!" 

On the way, the journey was pretty chaotic. Four of the people arguing about the mystery of the last slice of pizza which happened about two years ago. One of the people wondering in her world, one of the people who don't wanna suffer this journey and thinking when would they reach the headquarters. And another person who was desperate to find a house, lounge, or hotel to find shelter and not sleep outside with the bugs or any of those disgusting creatures. 

"Did you know water is wet?" asked Jungmo.

"No, I didn't know Peppa pig is a pig either. I thought it was a squirrel," joked Taeyoung. 

"Yeah, I didn't know fire was hot either," said Hyeongjun.

"Come on people, use your common sense! Water is the dedication of wetness, dirt is dirty, water is wet and household cleaners are cleaned" said Jungmo.

"No water is water! It makes things wet but it is not wet" argued Wonjin.

"But water molecules on things make it wet. Water on water or in water is water molecules on top of water molecules. Water on top of water makes water wet," argued Jungmo.

"Did you know? None of us hasn't understood a thing you said" said Taeyoung.

"You know, I had this random but logical question in my mind," said Hyeongjun.

"I bet his question wouldn't be as bad as Jungmo's, so fire it away!" said Wonjin. 

Jungmo hissed. 

"Ok, so it's like green flowers exist?" asked Hyeongjun.

Hearing the question, everyone realized how an arbitrary yet straight-thinking question it was.

Apricus 13 | Cravity FFWhere stories live. Discover now