Chapter 9: Summer holidays

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It is a week into the summer holidays and Lily as been stuck inside due to bad weather. She had a lot of time on her hands. One day the sun was so Lily was sat in the garden with her mother reading a book with a lovely cup of tea sitting in the sun. Lily and Petunia's father was out golfing with some friends and Petunia was out with her boyfriend Vernon so they had the house to themselves. "Lily dear, how can you do that today, why don't you go for a walk enjoy the sun while it lasts" her mother said turning to her. Lily was reading the same fictional book as normal where a girl gets swept off her feet, she put the book down and finished her tea, "Very well mother I'll go for a walk, do you want to come with me?" "Oh no thank you dear I expect your father will be home shortly I'll be gardening till then" her mother replied sweetly. "yes mum" Lily stood up got some shoes on and walked out the front door. Lily was walking down the street when she heard a fairly deep voice shouting her name, she thought she was hearing things so she kept on going until they called her name again, she turned around and saw a running Remus Lupin followed by a bolting Peter Pettigrew. "Hey lils" said Remus out of breath coming to a holt however Peter did not for he was shorter so he ran straight into Remus, "Hey, you okay there peter?" she said concerned but also laughing, "yeah..fine, don't mind me just gotta breathe"Peter replied, "You do that" said Remus holding him up straight, "did you not hear us yelling?" he said, "Oh that was you I thought I was hearing things" she said. "What are you doing here?" Peter said catching his breath, "Oh my mum thought it would be a good idea for me to go on a walk, is it just you two" she said casually looking around, "Yes, James and Sirius were busy" said Remus with an eyebrow raised looking at lily suspiciously "Why?" "Oh no reason what so ever" Lily said nervously, "Are you wanting to see him, or avoiding him?" said Peter, "I am not.. I mean why.. none I just don't really want to see him a the moment, I mean what's going on" she said, "So the second one and how you liked him, made a bet with him which you lost because he surprisingly studied and now you're getting cold feet" said Remus letting go of Peter, "you didn't have to put it like that but yes" she said guiltily, "has he sent you letters" he said, "No he hasn't, why?" said Lily to them both, "Then there's nothing to worry about he's probably forgotten all about it" said Peter, "And what if I did get letters? Which I didn't" she asked, "Well then you'd be so screwed" said Peter laughing. "But you don't have to worry about that considering you didn't" Remus interrupted quickly. Lily however did get letters from James almost daily and some from Sirius asking her why she was ignoring James, Lily had read their letters which was basically just James asking how she was and Sirius wondering if they had done something to upset her, for someone who comes across as 'badass', Sirius did worry a lot because of his horrible parents and family, Sirius still talked to his brother but very rarely and he never talked to his cousins. Lily replied to Sirius' letters saying that they didn't do anything but ignored everything which involved school or James but she didn't want to tell Remus or Peter that.

They started to walk down the street some more, went down a rather steep hill like slope which led to a stream and sat under a tree to talk. "Are you sure you didn't get any letters" said Remus unconvinced. "Yes I'm sure" she said lying, "fine I believe you but only because I know you never lie" he said giving up this however made lily fill with guilt, did he know? They all talked some more then ran out of things to talk about so they just joked around. A little while pass and they are all making their way back. They were walking up the street when all of a sudden a car horn went. They looked up and Lily smiled, her dad had jus got back from golfing. "Oh my dad's back I better go, talk to you later" she said crossing the street and running to hug her dad, Mr Evans picked Lily up and gave her a massive hug then put her back down as they headed inside. Peter was staying at Remus' house for the night as his parents were out of town and didn't trust to leave him by himself or anyone else. They watched as Lily went inside, waved at her and her dad then started walking back to Remus' house.

A few days pass and it's still sunny, lily was in her room clearing stuff out of her wardrobe when she heard a knock on the door. Her parents had gone out just the two of them for lunch and Petunia was with her boyfriend Vernon again. She was walking down the stairs when she heard another knock at the door. "Coming" she shouted. Lily opened a door and saw a very guilty and apologetic Remus lupin hunched over like the hunchback of Notre dame, "I'm so sorry lils, I had no choice" he said before he stood to the side and revealed one Peter Pettigrew with two more people standing at the bottom of an empty driveway. Those two people were Sirius and the one and only James Potter. Lily's jaw dropped at the sight of them as they came over to the door. "Hey" she said trying not to sound to shocked, "What do I owe for this pleasant shock..I mean visit." "Hey Evans" James said with a little bit of tone in his voice. "We were wondering wether you would like to join us for a walk, you can't stay inside all day long" said Sirius exaggerating. Lily was watching James trying to see if he was hurt in any kind of way about not answering his letters but answering Sirius. She moved her eyes to Remus as he mouthed the words 'Sorry they found out about the other day'. James and Sirius knew Lily's address but they didn't know Remus lived so close for he moved just before Sixth year had started. "Oh" she said surprised, "Are you sure you want me to come" moving her eyes back at James. "See I told you she wouldn't want to come if I was-" James was saying with a bit more tone and attitude before Lily cut him off, "Oh I would come, I just wasn't sure you guys would want me to come." She moved her eyes away from James but made sure he knew she was talking about him. "Oh we would like you to come" said Sirius butting in feeling tension, "Fine then, do you guys want to come in" she said opening the door wider for them. "Love too" said Peter uncomfortable. They made their way into the kitchen and looked around. "Does anyone want a drink" Lily said looking for a pen and catching James looking at an old family photo as her as a child, "Aha!" she shouted a bit loud as finally finding one in a drawer with a piece of blank paper, "No thanks" Remus said as he watched lily write something down on the paper. "What are you doing?" said Sirius curiously, "Oh I'm writing a note, my parents will be back soon and I don't want them worrying if their back before me" she said still writing and not looking up, "What's that your writing with?" said James confused. "A pen?" Lily replied, "it's like a quill but they ink is built into the inside and there's no feather."

Lily finished the note, and went upstairs to put some shoes on, of course the marauders went with her, she went into her room and signalled them to come in and sit down so they did. James looked around her room, "So this is Lily Evans' bedroom" he said taking a spin, "Yeah what about it" she said defensive, "Oh nothing, it's fine just different to how I pictured it". "Oh right" she said with concern "Wait you've pictured my room?" "It's not the only thing he's pictured trust me" Peter blurted out without thinking. James shot him a look. "right then lets go" she said walking away. They walked outside, Remus shut the door for he was the last out and they all went for a long walk and chatted. Everything was smoothed out between James and Lily and if anything they had become a bit closer and had more to talk about.

For the rest of the summer Lily didn't really see the Marauders except for Remus here and there. She had even wrote James a letter or two. Lily spent the rest of her holiday with her family and was ready and relaxed for what her last and seventh year at hogwarts had to offer her, she was even excited to see everyone.

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