3: Changes In The Prison System

Start from the beginning

Like letting out a breath that had been held for far, far too long.

Different men and women responded in various ways, of course.

Some, more noticeably the ones who had been in for less time, recovered from their depressed state of tense despair quite magnificently, and their cells steadily became rowdy, filled with prisoners drunk on the addictive feeling of euphoria once again.

Others, who had been locked away for far too long, been under the Dementors influence for far too long, did not recover so quickly. Yes, they had been pulled away from their thief of emotion, but they were far too damaged. Far too broken by the Dementors lingering odor. As such, they remained submissive, quiet, and obedient.

With the sanction of the Dementors. Certain rules had to be established that had never been considered before.

Prisoners couldn't just stay in their cells all day as they had previously. They had far too much newly recovered pent-up energy and emotion which lead to outbursts in wandless magic, breaking open the bars and sending the prisoners amok.

Therefore a Muggle-based prison system had been implemented in which prisoners where allowed certain amounts of free time, lunch time, work time, etc.

The fact that Azkaban was indeed a mixed prison had never been an issue before, as the fact that the prisoners were far too lost in their own despairs to bother with trivial matters such as lust, coupled with the fact they used to never be let out of their cells, meant that a man and woman sharing a cell meant nothing at all. They may as well be two corpses thrown into deep hole underground.

With these restrictions relieved however, the first few days of Dementor-free Azkaban life had resembled that of some sort of sick human breeding farm. Men and women were seen more often naked than in their striped prison robes, and more often feeding off each others' bodies than consuming actual food.

Years, or in some cases, decades of pent-up lust would do that.

And so, the separation of men and women was inevitable. Closing off the two sides completely. Soon, they hoped to build a new fortress to house the female occupants, separating male and female entirely.

That included the newly appointed male and female guards, who unfortunately, did sometimes get caught up in all the action.

In the centre of all this, only one man was ever allowed to visit the women's quarters of Azkaban. And no one, no guard nor prisoner, dared defy him.

After all, even without a wand, he could immobilise every single one of them.

In the eyes of some of the prisoners, particularly the male ones, this was considered a huge waste of power, as the man who regularly visited the women's side of the prison never did anything remotely sexual. And as he was still a young and impressionable teenager, it was quite an impressive feat in itself.

Even to some of the female prisoners, the man, or rather, the boy's power to enter the women's quarters whenever he so desired was considered a huge waste. The lad wasn't bad looking at all.

But nay, the only reason the boy entered the women's quarters at all was for one reason, and one reason only.

"Hello, mother." said the boy quietly, stepping into the women's hospital wing.

The woman in the clear glass cell ahead shared the same hair colour and face as the boy, the only difference being her completely hollowed cheeks and eye sockets, giving the once beautiful woman the appearance of a corspe.

Now, the one of the few physical features they shared was their dark, deep eye bags.

Much to the confusion of the newly appointed Azkaban staff, as well as the prisoners themselves, the boy would often come to visit his mother's cell in the hospital wing, taking the time to feed her when necessary, bathe her when necessary, or sometimes even just sit outside her cell and talk to her about this and that.

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