|21| - Start of the Future (E2)

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The sun was rising in the sky, casting its rays through Emmy's bedroom window. Waking her from her short slumber, she grumpily stumbled out her door towards the clanking noises the echoed through the house. She paused at the door to her left, opposite her parent's room. The door was open with the sounds and whispers coming from within. Her fingers brushed against the sanded-down wood of the door, slowly pushing it open. 

"What are you doing?" Emmy asked groggily as she looked down at her parents who seemed to be constructing something.

Newt and YN looked up at her and smiled tiredly at their daughter. 

"Just making the crib for your brother or sister Darling," Newt replied as he slowly stood up.

"Trying to make one anyways." YN retorted as Newt helped her up, her five-month bump showing easily as she stands.

"But they're not going to be here for another 4 months. Why make it now when you have time to make it later?" Emmy questions as she leans against the door.

Newt smiles. "Because it's better to not procrastinate it, and just get it over with. But we can do it later on today, we got to get ready for the bonfire today. Have you brushed your teeth yet?"

Emmy shakes her head with a smile before taking a step out of the room. "I just woke up Dad, I haven't even changed yet."

YN chuckled and gave her daughter a small push towards her room. "Then go get ready, we'll meet you a the dining hall."

Emmy nodded before turning back around and walking into her room. Her door shut softly behind her, and she let out a small sigh. Her eyes drifted towards her dresser as she hears the whispers that were fading from behind the door. A picture of all of Group A and a few from group B and Sammy and Benny and John sat on her desk. It had been taken after a full year of staying in their home. Emmy had been 7 in the picture, her hair a little darker than it was now. 

It had been nearly 8 full years since that picture had been taken. 

Not once has the Flare been talked about since they had left, and no one had contracted it. Even if they had gotten it, they would have survived because they finally had the cure. Mary had been the one who had realized that Thomas's blood and Emmy's blood had the special unique white blood cell that was needed to make the cure work fully. 

Emmy's mind wanders over the past as she changed, tying her long hair up into a braid over her left shoulder.

Her Mom and Dad had gotten back together within the first year of living here. And her uncle Tommy had gotten with Brenda, and Min Min had gotten together with a girl named Barbra, or Babs. Fry had gotten with Harriet after nearly two years of stuttering around her. He still stuttered around her at times, but not so much. Sammy and Lucy had been going strong for 7 and a half years, and just last month he had proposed. She said yes.

Mary had been with Vince since the times of the Scorch, and Aris had confessed to Aunt Sonya last year at the bonfire. 

Gally hasn't really found the girl he wanted to be with, but the Mary from Maze B seems to be the only other girl he can tolerate. And by that, I mean they practically bicker 24/7 and when they aren't looking, they are glancing at each other. Enemies to lovers seem to be the thing going on between them. Mom had become okay friends with her after a year of being flare-free. I call Mary Mar now, just to not get confused. 

Emmy sighs as she finished brushing her teeth, putting her toothbrush up before walking out. Her shoes patting the ground with each step, the door opening as she turns the handle and walks out of the house. 

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