|11| - The Attack

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I held on tightly to my dad's hand as we all stopped in a room filled with people. The girl who leads us here walked over to a tall man, and she whispered something in his ear. When she was done, he glanced over at me, and I frowned in confusion. But he smiled at me before turning to my uncle Tommy. 

"Who are you. Where are you from. And where are you going?" That is all the man said, causing Tommy to glance at Dad in confusion?

"Tell us who you are first," Tommy said. 

The man chuckled with a smile, glancing down at his feet for a moment. "My name is Jorge, and this is Brenda. The others you do not need to know."

He moved around his desk, sending a look to Brenda who kept on glancing at me. 

"Now, I believe it is your turn," Jorge said, sending Tommy a hard stare.

Tommy glanced at MinMin, and Dad before sighing. 

"I'm Thomas, this is Newt, Emmy, Frypan, Minho, and Teresa. And we're going to the Right Arm." 

The room erupted with deep laughs, except for Brenda, she wasn't laughing. And Jorge was laughing the fake laugh I had heard before from...

"The Right Arm is nothing but a ghost story. A rumor. It does not exist, and if it did, no one can find it."  Jorge stated, glancing at Brenda again, but nodding this time. 

I tugged my Dad's hand, and he glanced down at me. I tried to whisper something to him, but it was too late. Men came up behind us all, separating us, and forcing them down onto their knees. My hand was ripped away from his, and I was held back by someone.

"Emmy! Let her go!" Dad yelled as someone held something to the back of his neck.


"They're real, WICKED's tagged them," Brenda said as she held something to Tommy's neck.

"Let me go!" Tommy yelled.

"Oh be quiet you big baby."

"Take them to the back, knock them out first," Jorge said, and I could help the yell as they knocked out everyone.

"And this one?" The one behind me said.

Jorge glanced at me before smiling. "She can stay here with me Hermano. Wouldn't want to hurt her on accident."

My back stiffened with fear as they dragged everyone out of the room, to a place I didn't know. I was forced to sit in a chair behind the desk, while Brenda fiddled with something in the corner.

"Leave us, I want to talk to the little one."

Slowly to room emptied out, leaving only Brenda and Jorge with me. I stare up at him with fear crawling under my skin. I sat up straight, trying to not look scared, but I don't think it helped.


Jorge smiled down at the girl, seeing her obvious fright in her eyes. He glanced over at Brenda for a moment before looking back at Emmy.

"We aren't going to hurt you, Emmy, you can trust us." He said.

Emmy blinked up at him. "You're going to hurt my family." 

Jorge huffed and shook his head. "No, I promise you that I will not let any harm come towards them."

Emmy frowned in confusion, turning her head slightly to her right. "Why?"

"Because we met your mother."

Emmy's eyes widened, and the breath halted in her throat. Her eyes began to dot with tears as she glances back and forth between Brenda and Jorge.

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