The Morning After

Start from the beginning

"Dabi why the hell did you text him back?! And how did you unlock my phone?"

"You're not careful when typing in your password in front of me. Plus you shouldn't fall asleep around me if I could easily use your face ID."

"You're taking this for a joke?"

"Kinda. Anywaysss... The old dude called your phone like thirteen times. So persistent, that man. I finally picked up on his fourteenth call and he started shouting shit like 'where's Y/n?', and 'why do you have her phone?'.

"And what did you say?"

"I hung up."

"Oh my gosh. I'm changing my password. Wait... they said they're on their way here...Why the fuck are they coming?" The last question was rhetorical and directed at yourself.

"To celebrate your birthday doll, try to keep up."

"I don't have time for this."

"You guys don't get along?"

"Not really."

"Guess we have that in common."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go take a shower and see if the girls wanna meet up. They wanted to meet you last night but you showed late."

"Can I join you? I meant the shower part. Saving water is important for the environment."

"You don't give a fuck about the environment." You get off the bed and almost stumble over. Your legs still weren't working properly. Your back and everything else was still aching from last night.

"You good?"



"You three look terrible. And Ikumi you're inside now, take off the sunglasses", you say reaching out to remove them from her face. She slaps your hand away. "Damn okay, I guess I'm the only one who didn't get drunk last night."

"Keep your voice down Y/n. My head is pounding", says Ikumi. "Speaking of pounding, did you get pounded last night? Because last I saw you dancing with some guy, then you were gone."

"Yeah, I left with my roommate."

"I still wish we could've met him... Wait... You and him... you know?"

"I don't wanna kiss and tell but yes."

"I'm so proud of you!"

"Damnit, stop yelling", Tokiko says to Ikumi.

The waitress comes to bring over your food and drinks.

"You two are not the type to drink. What happened?", you asked.

"Ikumi happened", Chizu says.

You look over at Ikumi who was pouring something from a flask into her coffee.

"That smells like... Is that tequila? Seriously?"

"The only way to cure a hangover is with another hangover."


You got back home and set your keys down on the table. Dabi was frantically pacing up and down the living room mumbling and cursing to himself.

"You okay?"

He looked at you, rolled his eyes, and continued pacing.


"The fuck do you want?" He didn't shout but spoke harshly.

"Damn. You were fine just a few hours ago. What's got you so upset? I bought you food by the way", you say handing it to him.

"Not hungry."

"Okay, well at least tell me what's wrong", you say walking closer.

"Y/n, I'm not in the fucking mood!"

This was the first time he'd actually called you by your name. He'd always call you princess or doll which you thought was because he couldn't remember your name.

Not the government name. He must be extremely upset.

"Watch who you're yelling at asshole. I'm just concerned."

"It's not your damn business to be concerned! Worry about yourself."

He angrily stomped to the door and opens it before turning back.

"I won't be back anytime soon. Don't wait up." With that, he slams the door.

I try to be nice and I get yelled at? Great.


You sit on the couch in some comfy clothes, watching your favorite anime and stuffing your face with chips. Some hours later, you hear a knock on the door. You figured it was Dabi who came back and had forgotten his keys. You pause your show and get up to open the door.

"You're back earlier than-... expected..."

It wasn't Dabi, but your parents. The same parents whose actions pressured you to move away and start over in the first place.

"Y/n, my love. I'm so happy to see you", your mother says as she pulls you in for a hug.

I totally forgot they said they were coming.


𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 & 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 || dabiWhere stories live. Discover now