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Tommy never used to be a sad person. He used to be an enthusiastic, loud swearing kid, who made friends; or in Dream's case, enemies; with everyone he crossed paths with. He'd smile as he walked through L'Manburg, and run up to Tubbo while yelling some joke Wilbur told him.

Yet, all good things must soon come to an end at one point. Smiles must fade, tears must be shed, and blood is spilt. In Tommy's case, a lot of blood was spilled. Not enough to kill everyone, but just enough for many to die.

Tommy sighed. "You know... Wilbur was right." He said to Tubbo. "What do you mean? He wasn't right about anything." Tubbo asked him. "He said all I cared about were the discs." Tommy said with a smile. Tubbo frowned. "You care about me!" He reminded the taller.

Cat played softly in the background as the tension between the two slowly grew. The wind blew softly in their hair, making it slowly sway towards the jukebox.

"You... do care right?" Tubbo asked sadly. Tommy glanced at the older boy. He sighed. "I care Tubbo. I just..." The chosen music disc seemed to slow down as Tommy carefully chose his words.
"I just wish you were easier to talk to." Tubbo seemed shocked, and he brought his knees up to his chest.

"Are you saying I'm hard to talk to?" Tubbo asked the taller boy. The music seemed to get progressively deeper in pitch.


"So I am hard to talk to!" Tubbo concluded. "What? Is Ranboo hard to talk to also then? Is that the problem here? Do you think he's rubbing off on me or some shit!?"

"Of course not! Ranboo's easier to talk to then you are! Honestly, you're just proving my point. Wilbur was right!" Tommy declared. Tubbo pushed his knees away from his chest, and stood up, making sure his back was facing Tommy.

"Wait!-" Tommy started.

"Don't finish that." Tubbo ordered, as he stormed off, venom clinging to his voice.

"I..." Tommy whispered. A tear formed in his eye. "How could I say such a stupid thing?" He asked. No answer, of course. He was alone, on the bench.

He took out Cat and put it in his inventory. It played in his head more than it ever did on the jukebox, so what was the point in even playing it?

He pulled up his hood and started walking down the Prime Path. In the distance he saw Ranboo, the tall enderman boy who stood at a surprising height of 6'8.

Tommy pulled his hoodie strings a bit. He didn't want Ranboo to notice him, or where he was heading to. Tommy quietly stepped off of the Prime Path, and onto the torn grass.

Fall leaves crunched under his shoes, and tears fell silently onto his white hoodie, leaving small wet marks where they landed. Tommy headed aimlessly towards a forest, not knowing where it would take him.

"If only wishing on a star actually worked." He whispered to himself. The sky was turning a shade of orange, and soon it would be nighttime. Tommy slowly climbed a hill, and sat on the grassy summit.

The leaves swayed and moved with the breeze, making a pleasant musical sound of sorts, if you could call it that. The forest was full of sounds, and to Tommy it was soothing. His worries left him, though it happened very slowly.

"Oh..." He mumbled. "I'm not aloud to cry..." He whispered, pulling himself into a ball, and helplessly attempting to stop his tears.

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