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Blair's POV
Although I was drunk yesterday everything I said was correct
Drunk words are sober thoughts
Elijah would be an amazing father
And I am jealous of any girl he has and ever will date
Elijah still seemed shocked by my words but it's okay cause I still am too
I wasn't planning on saying that it just came out I guess
I had another dream last night
But it wasn't a sex dream
It was a romantic dream
Elijah was saying so many sweet things to me
He was calling he beautiful and he was calling me his
He was saying no one would ever be able to hurt me
No one would put me through pain and he'd never leave me
That we'd make a family together
He said he would try and make me the happiest girl ever
If I only let him
What if I do let him
It was a dream though it felt so real
It felt like he actually said it to me
Like he was actually talking to me
A/N: was Elijah actually talking to her?

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