Chapter 3

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The following afternoon Santana is at cheer practice standing front and center as Coach Roz Washington gives the squad a lesson on perfection. Really, she's just taking them all on another trip down Olympic memory lane. Not a day goes by that there isn't a constant reminder of why Coach Roz struts around wearing a bronze medal all the time and how they could also have medals if they took practice seriously.

Honestly, if Santana wanted a tacky medal that badly then she'd just buy one.

In fact, she stopped paying attention after the third time Coach Roz referenced her bronze damn Olympic medal. Now she's just clock-watching because practice was meant to be over fifteen minutes ago which is a total drag, but Santana finds that there's just a little satisfaction in being late.

Why? Because fifteen minutes ago, she was meant to be meeting Brittany at the library and there's something about making her wait that's truly satisfying.


By the time Santana gets to the library, she finds Brittany sitting alone at a table near the back of the study section. She's nose deep in a book and surrounded by others along with her laptop. As Santana approaches, piercing blue eyes meet hers over the top of the hardcover Brittany holds.

There's a loud snap of the book closing before Brittany's setting it down and crossing her arms.

"So you finally decided to join me?" She says in a clipped tone then looks to her watch, "Thirty minutes after the time you suggested by the way."

Santana does her best to keep from snickering and just raises her coffee cup in greeting.

"What? I like to make an entrance," She replies with a cheeky grin. Brittany's quick to roll her eyes as Santana takes a seat across from her. She notes what looks like mathematical equations and scrunches her nose, "What's all this?"

"My work," Brittany answers shortly before gathering it all in a neat stack. "I figured I might as well do something productive here since you decided to take your sweet time."

Santana lets out a laugh, "Practice ran late so technically it's not my fault. Take your complaints to Coach Roz. I'm sure she'd love to hear them."

"And the coffee?" Brittany points out, "Is that a technicality too?"

Santana bites the inside of her cheek. This girl will be the death of her, she's such a smart ass!

"No," Santana replies proudly, "That was all me. Didn't think you'd mind."

"Oh no, not at all," Brittany says sarcastically. "And it's okay, I didn't want anything. Thanks for asking though."

"Just reading your mind," Santana smirks before taking a sip.

Brittany's stare hardens before she takes a calming breath and her expression shifts into a forced smile, like it's taking everything in her not to get up and walk out. Being the little shit Santana can be, she loves every minute of it.

"So," Brittany says in a more pleasant tone, "Are we here to waste more of my time or is there a real reason you wanted to meet?"

Although Brittany wears a smile and although her tone is pleasant, Santana can still feel that she's on thin ice so she dials down the sass...for now.

"We need to work out the," Santana pauses and looks around to make sure they're completely alone. Assured, she continues, "The details of our arrangement."

Brittany narrows her eyes, not understanding.

"We've spent a year hating each other. There's no way people won't think something is up if all of a sudden we're dating," Santana explains in a hushed tone. "We need a game plan."

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