Say Goodbye.

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You didn't even say goodbye.

When you left, without a word.
When you went back to your songbird. 

You fell back in love with her,
did you ever even stop?
I felt like an eavesdropper,
in my own relationship.
Attempting to keep our misalliance pieces
together but, your distance forever increases.

They always said we'd never last,
and you proved them right by
returning to your melodic, songbird past.
Because now you've married her instead
and I'm simply a small blip,
an unrequited rest within your love route.
One accessible love to whom
you didn't even say goodbye.

So, because I can't fix myself, I spend my days
staring at the happy couples wedding photos
Lace trimmed wedding dress and navy suit.
Is her heart bigger than mine? Because her
boobs definitely aren't. Nights and nights blur,
Wondering why, questioning why, asking why,

I wasn't even good enough,
for you to even say goodbye.

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