"Wait, aren't you supposed to be on watch?" Glimmer asked Mermista.
"Oh no the fortress is still there, like it was an hour ago. Watch complete." Mermista drawled. Glimmer groaned in her seat and Mermista continued before sitting down, "Relax, I switched with Perfuma."

"We're still coming up with a plan."
"Am I in the plan?"
"We're getting to--" Bow cut me off.
" don't have you, buuuuut I do have a seashell and a happy otter." Mermista looked at the figures. "Uh.....googly eyes? pass.

"What?" Bow said.
"Can we please get back to--"
"I'll be She-ra." Mermista announced taking my figurine away. I scoffed, "You can't be She-ra. I'm She-ra."
"Not anymore. You snooze, you lo--" Glimmer teleported Mermista away bringing back my Tiny She-ra.

"I admit I got a little carried away. But the rest of my plan could work." Glimmer said hopefully.
"Except you're not taking the biggest variable into account: Catra. She's been behind every Horde plan, she led the attack on Brightmoon. She's devious--" I was cut off again.
"And I've already thought of that." Glimmer smirked. "I knew destroying the bots would lure her out. Catra chuckles stepping into the light with a cat in her arms," Catra speaks now, "And so it has, Glimmer." Sounding a bit to much like Queen Angella when saying her name. Then she purred?!

"This is how you see Catra?" I asked stifling a laugh. Bow laughed as well. "Yeah, this seems a little off. I finally laughed, " A little?" Glimmer/Catra continues, "You fell into my trap. I've armed the tower with a bomb capable of taking out my greatest enemy, you."
"Do you expect us to just sit here?"
"No Princess, I expect you to--" Perfuma jumps in, "I cast Giant Flytrap on Catra!" All of us managed to duck said flytrap but Tiny Bow was caught once again.
(Wow Tiny Bow dies a lot in these plans)

And we continued several times after that actually every one of our friends jumping in on the plan making. It was almost like they thought this was some kind of game.


"I am Bow. She-ra's best friend and defender of Etheria. When the evil Horde strikes, I strike back." Bow narrates.
"Ooh! We all get hats." Perfuma coos, and the outfits are just...ridiculous. So old fashioned if you asked me. Mermista groans at her comment.
"After I destroy the turrets with my trick arrows, Glimmer teleports us into the tower. There, someone waits in the shadows." Catra meows then laughs. "Catra." Bow announces. Hm, let's see where this goes.
"Mrroew. Fools. I won't let you destroy my purrfect plan!"
"What?!" I shout. This was unbelievable. Glimmer laughed, "This is kind of amazing."
''It looks like I've got you meow, evil doer." Bow made another pun. Then another,
"I paws to reflect on your upcoming death if I were mew."
"I don't know. I'm feline pretty good right now." I groaned.
"Oh, stop. You gotta stop."
"Now we're all hoping this plan kills us." Mermista commented.
"The purr-pare to meet your end!" Catra says, turning into a panther?! Frosta gasps, "Wait, she can do that?"

"No. But I ran out of figures and only have this left, so she can now." Bow explains, "Also the Horde has dragons now, as I didn't make enough robots."

"Not to worry I'll shoot her with my net arrow." Catra ducks and the arrow bounces everywhere trapping Bow in it.

"Oh, come on!" Bow shouts as the net captures Tiny Bow.
"She would obviously duck. You can't underestimate Catra or the Horde. Maybe we can exploit a weakness in the wall." I looked at the map again.
"Is it my turn?" Perfuma pipes up.
"This isn't a game." I stress but oh they wouldn't listen like, at all!!

Uggggggghhhhhh, this is serious business!

I'm not doing the entire chapter for this, since I don't got much plans for this unless.....we skip to this little part right here:

"I teleport in..."
"And run out of teleports." I state.
"My plant golem tears down the wall."
"The horde will set it on fire." I state again.
"Frostbite smashes the wall."
"The ice armor cracks as you hit stone." I said again.
"Sea-ra destroys the Horde Bots."
"There is no Sea-ra, and you guys aren't taking Catra into account!" I stressed.
"Oh, sure we are. See?" Perfuma says.

"I have a lot of negative things to say. And I hate flowers." A doodle of Catra speaks like a child.
"No,no,no, she's more like, I love ruining parties." Catra in her Princess Prom suit leans onto She-ra with a drink in her hand and shades on her eyes. Adora blushes slightly.
Glimmer mocks them with laughter. "I'm a monster!" Catra throws herself onto She-ra again this time clothed in a long black dress. Adora's blush got darker.
"Meow, what a...purrfectly evil group." Bow's version of Catra comes from behind smirking as Princess Prom Catra rests her arm on She-ra's shoulder, Glimmer's version still draped up to her as well. Damn this was getting hard to contain.
All of the Catra's laughed and Adora shut her eyes tightly ignoring the thoughts in her head.

"No. None of this is right!" I said sternly and everyone groans in disappointment.

going a few minutes later.....poor Kyle. My guy. Best boi. Got trapped in Bow's nets. 7w7

"All in favor of blaming this on Kyle?" Scorpia raises her hand , Lonnie and Rogelio agreeing.

Is It Worth It? - Silver (OC) x Catradora{She-ra Behind the scenes}Where stories live. Discover now