Hey guys!!

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Announcement time, never did this before. and it'll probably be the last time I ever do honestly.
This has been getting a ton of reads so far and I'm...well...shocked i never expected it to get as far as it did. I feel so proud rn 7w7 ok no more crying! Must think of what the next chapter will entail. Must watch more She-ra!! Byeeeeee!! 

This is for you guys i guess, hehe.

[Adora's POV]

"We're getting pretty good at improvising though." Glimmer announced after we got Bow's tiny figurine of him killed after running a drill for a plan we can't seem to make work.

"If we're gonna pull this off, we need to come up with a plan that won't fall apart, and a plan that takes into account everything the Horde could possibly throw at us, including surprise attacks." I was stressing over this. It was important and I didn't want anything to happen to my friends.

"Okay, but you're breaking Tiny Bow's heart. I mean look at his face." Bow cried.
"He's smiling." Glimmer pointed out, I just glared.
"Through his pain Glimmer. Through his pain." Bow whispered seriously. I stood up realizing no one was actually taking this seriously.

"Guys, this pass is important. The Horde is not going to give it up without a fight. It's obviously gonna be guarded by their very best and brightest." My eye twitched, seriously we NEED to be prepared for this!!
"Adora, calm down."
"No, I'm not gonna calm down. This is serious! They have Silver! I don't want anything happening to anyone else as well!" I slammed my fists down onto the table.

"Again." I ordered and we tried another plan.

"Clearly that last plan won't work. So maybe if we try sneaking past the turrets from a different side--" I had my my finger on my chin watching the map in front of me.
"You're going about this all wrong. " Glimmer took the battle plans from me. "You're not going to win by sneaking. We gotta take the action, to them."

Me as She-ra, Bow as well....Bow, Glimmer as.....Uh....I got no idea.

"Just let Glimmer handle this." Glimmer chuckled with a stick in her mouth. "Using my awesome powers of teleportation, I take out their first line of defense. Pshew! Poow! shcreeow! POW!" Glimmer narrates. " And then I teleport onto the wall and take out a line of soldiers with one critical strike! Kapow! I backflip, front flip, backflip into a teleport, poof!" Glimmer waved her mini-figure around in the air, "Then I take out a Super Bot, and it explodes!" Glimmer slams her fist down onto the map. "Yeah, and I'm past the wall! I'm unstoppable! I'm--"

Bow calls to her from the bridge, "You ran out of teleports like, 12 teleports ago."
"Then I land on you!" She announces before falling onto Bow.

"Ahh Tiny Bow! Nooooooooooooo! " Bow falls back his hand over his eyes. I facepalmed.

'Maybe having Silver escape on her own was really a better idea.' I thought to myself.

"Glimmer, we need to come up with a plan based on reality." I said.
" Yes. And in that moment, I really would land on Bow." The pinkette said a matter-of-factly. I snatched the plans back and sat back down in my spot. Time for a real plan.

"Using a limited number of teleports isn't a bad idea. So, Glimmer would take Bow and, using her powers, teleport him into the turrets' blind spot. Bow shall act as back up, while you and I breach the less-patrolled area upon the wall." There was an earth quake of some sort, when we looked up and saw Mermista.

"Uh...why are you playing with dolls?"

"What?! We're not playing with dolls." I stated.
"Yeah they're war-table, battle figures. And I don't know if I have one for you. Hold on." Bow rummaged through his bag.

Is It Worth It? - Silver (OC) x Catradora{She-ra Behind the scenes}Where stories live. Discover now