But even that is no longer fun.

There’s no more thrill in fighting the demons.

She can easily kill them now. She’s at a level where it’s as if she’s just bullying little kids as she hunts down demons.

Leona wonders if her current level is enough to search for Arius. Where did he ran off to? Is he still alive?

Leona took a quick shower and went out of her small apartment.

“Greetings! Buzz.. Princess.. Buzz.. Leona..” a mechanical lifeform greeted her the moment she step out of the door

Unlike anywhere in the three kingdoms, the Mechanical Empire is like a futuristic city with flying cars and androids all around.

Leona bought a small apartment in the heart of the city where she lived for the past three years.

She was greeted by robots and androids on her way to the Logistics building.

There’s only about a hundred people in the entire city, and the rest of the population are mechanical lifeforms.

“Welcome Princess Leona.” Greeted Celestia, a girl with prosthetic legs

“Princess Agatha is waiting for you at her workshop.” Said Ascella, Celestia’s twin sister, she have a prosthetic arm

Agatha is Andromeda’s birthname on this world. She was the demon princess of the Empire of Lune in the continent of demons.

The twins Celestia and Ascella are Andromeda’s secretary who manage the empire’s affairs whenever Andromeda is not around.

The twins ushered Leona towards Andromeda’s workshop.

Inside Andromeda’s massive workshop is a small office. Leona could clearly hear and see Andromeda and a female mechanic through the open door.

“And there you go.” Andromeda said after bandaging the girl’s hand.

“Thank you doctor Andromeda.”

“No problem. I’m just wondering, what did your husband do that made your hands end up like that?” Andromeda

“Well, he cheated on me with my bestfriend so I beat him up barehanded.”

“He cheated huh? You did good. But you almost fractured a bone, so I recommend using a tool next time. Why don’t you hit him with a metal bat or throw a flower pot on his face next time instead?” Andromeda

“I-I’ll keep that in mind Doctor.” The girl answered gratefully

Leona was speechless upon hearing the consultation.

What kind of a doctor would give such an advice?

Only Andromeda would.

The female mechanic slash patient, left soon after, leaving the two of them alone.

“I’m bored. But I’m always so busy, I’m so tired of this life.” Leona heard Andromeda heaved a sigh as she walked out of the office to start tinkering with the machines in her workshop, “And people still wonders why I’m still single, do they think I have the time to date?”

Leona chuckled because of those words.

“Don’t laugh. Have you heard those ridiculous rumours about us? People believes that I’m your secret lover.” Andromeda complains

“Then why don’t you just date someone for real?” Leona

“Do you think I have the time for that?” Andromeda

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