Quest Buy

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  Marco was walking through Quest Buy with Star. He was incredibly tired but he came along because Star wanted to do something nice for Tom, who got sent to reform school. "Star," Marco said, "last time we did something nice for someone at reform school, I started a revolution and almost got brainwashed. What do you think would happen if Tom is involved?!" Star shrugged. "Bad things, I assume. But that's why you're here! You are smart and with your brain we'll be safe!" Marco smiled at his friend's enthusiasm. "If you say so..." he said. Star gasped and picked up a notebook.
"This would be perfect for Tom!" She exclaimed, picking it up. "He's always saying he wants a notebook!" She hugs the book. Marco shrugged and said "uh huh." Before looking around and realizing Star disappeared! "She's probably at the checkout line." He said. "Wait...where is the checkout line?" He frowns and starts looking around. "Star?! Star?!"
He calls. No response.


Star arrived home and smiled. "Tom's going to live this, Marco!" She looked around for a second. "Marco?" She let's out a terrified squeak. "Oh no! I left him at Quest Buy!" She quickly grabs her dimensional scissors and arrives at the store. "Marco!" She screams when she sees him. Marco was surrounded by Miss. Heinous' robot guards. "Unhand him!" Star shouts. "Narwhal blast! Warnicorn blast! Spider with top hat bla-!" She stopped when she realized they disappeared. They went to St. O's. Star thought. As she reached into her pocket for dimensional scissors. "Oh no...where are my scissors?!"

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