chapter 10

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-sunday, afternoon-

I called Ketch over to the bunker, my whole body tensing up. Once I heard a knock the metal door, I made my way up and opened the door, which made me burn.

"Ow," I flinched as I saw Ketch on the other side of the door.

"Why did you do that, darling?"

"Heh. Forgot." Which was a complete lie, I couldn't wait to see Ketch.

Nonetheless of my pain, Ketch wrapped his arms around me in a comfortable hug. Shared a kiss, and headed down the stairs.

Sam and Dean were called in the library by me, waiting for what I gotta say. Ketch greeted my brothers, although not the same in return.

"What did you call us for?" Sam asked.

"And why did you bring him?" Dean followed up.

Ignoring Dean's question, I answered Sam saying I have news. Taking a deep sigh, I fidgeted with my hands.

Dean crossed his arms, Ketch had his in front of him like proper, and Sam leaned against the wooden table, waiting for an answer.

This is a lot of pressure to build up. The amount of confidence to have, and to deal with whatever outcome in the end. Great.

"Okay, so... uh," I nervously chuckled. "I talked to Crowley, seeing if he could fix me. He told me that he can't, and Rowena hates me for some reason. There's no- I'm fine being what I am, I'll deal with it." The boys share a glanced but I contuined talking. "Which makes me talk about the main reason I called you here..." I took a breath and spat it out. "Information about how to fix me for dinner with him, I made a demon deal with Crowley." I glanced to Ketch.

"I beg your pardon? You did what?" Ketch exhaled. I knew he was mad.

"Are you kidding me, Y/n?! A deal with Crowley? Did you know what you did?" Dean raised his voice, typical.

There was a small pause, silence. I opened my mouth, but Sam said words instead. "How many years do you have?" He asked in a calm voice.

"10." I answered.

Dean and Ketch scoffed, knowing they're about to yell at me. Dean looked over to Sam, and told him to follow him. They left, to leave Ketch and I alone.

Ketch stepped closer to me, a sudden change of expression. He stared at me, having a hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb. He looked directly in my eyes.

His expression changed again, his eyebrows furrowed. Backing away, I could only assume the worst. Yell, hit, kick, hurt me.

"Did you sleep with him too? I mean, you had to kiss him for the deal." He sarcastically chucked, "and you already had dinner together." He chuckled more. "eh?"

"I- No. Why would you ever think that?" I can't believe he would say that. I wanted to cry.

"Maybe because you hid a secret from me. We promised each other, no lies and secrets."

"So, is that it? You're breaking up with me?"

Ketch led out a scoff, Raising his hand to his face and kinda turned away. He seemed jumpy, maybe on too much caffeine.

"No!" He turned back to me, I jumped at the sudden tone of voice. "Why? Because I'm in love with you! I have been ever since I laid eyes on you, Y/n!"

He looked like a crazy person. Someone who has too much enegry and who might pull out their own hair soon type of crazy.

I was taking aback, not imagining he would say this. Well, later down the line, but never this early. I slightly gasp.

Ketch's hand fell from his head, seems that he can barely keep himself standing. "Damnit, I'm in love with you, Y/n."

Without saying a word, I walked up right in front of him. Doing the same thing he did to me and put a hand on his cheek.

He looked me up and down before pulling me into a heated kiss. He fought for dominance which he won, since I didn't fight it.

Feeling a sudden lift, Ketch picked me up and set me on the wood table. I shoved off his long coat, letting it drop to the ground.

Things fell down to the floor, which made a lot of noise, but we didn't care. I slid myself backwards, letting Ketch get up.

He started trailing down my neck, which made me keep in a moan. It wasn't long after we both heard Sam and Dean's voices and footsteps getting closer.

"Ketch, they're back." I sat up in a hurry, trying to push him off of me lightly without actually hurting him. He looked worried.

"But, Y/n, I have a..." he couldn't finish his sentence, covering his private parts.

Looking down, I knew what he meant. I sighed and grabbed his coat, telling him to sit in the chair, placing is coat on his lap.

"Whatever you do, don't move." I lowered my voice, speaking fast before my brothers were back in the room.

I leaned against the table as Sam and Dean walked up the mini steps to the library, making their way to Ketch and I.

They had sterned looks on their faces, which I forgot they were mad at me. Ketch had me in the moment, and nothing else mattered then.

"Alright, listen." Sam spoke up. "We have Cas finding a way to end the deal."

"We are not letting you become a demon. I cannot let you die in 10 years." Dean stated.

Crossing my arms, I scoffed. Looking down to my feet for a few seconds before glancing back up to my brothers.

Why can't they understand? I'm a monster. I'm going to Purgatory if I die before my 10 years are up. If I still live, then I'll be in Hell.

I'm okay with that. It's my price to pay. This is all unfair, granted. However, I made the deal.

This... everything is all on me. Only if I checked that damn cabin for other wolves. Then I won't have the scratches, became a wolf, and made a demon deal. With Crowley, nonetheless.

"Not like I can get into Heaven, Dean." I had to chuckle. "I'm a monster now. Purgatory or Hell are my only two options. I'd choose door number one."

Ketch glanced up to me, having this sadden look in his eyes. I could hear his heartbeat at a steady pace. "Y/n, no..."

"Ketch, please. I can't go to Hell."

"I-" He started to speak, but looked to my brother for a split second. "We can't lose you this early. 10 years is bad enough, but having you die eariler? That's not happening!"

"Arthur... this is how it'll be:" I took a second to take a breath. "One of you," I look to Sam and Dean as well as Ketch, "is going to put me down like a dog. Put a bullet in me." It was silent until I spoke again. "Or... I'll do it myself."

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