finale : In Between You and I

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Time passed...

Lucy's POV:

I believe that everything happens for a reason. The pain and hardship you felt will definitely paid off soon. The tears you shred because of a certain event such as heartbreak will definitely fade in time. All of the lonely nights, silent battles, silent cries, those cold nights that I spend longing for someone, everything fade as soon as I laid my eyes on the man in front of me. The tears I shred the last time was tears of pain, agony, longing, and now I'm crying again. But this time, I am crying because of happiness.

I have never thought that this day will come. All of the worries we have since we started, all of them suddenly vanish at this very moment. All that matter to me, all that I can see was him standing a few more steps away. As if this was a movie, everything around us slows down and as if he and I were the only ones in this very place. It feels like a fairy tale.

This is all I ever wish for, walking down the aisle as he stand there and wait for me on the end of this trail, wearing a white gown and holding a bouquet of flowers. Smiling, thinking of our past and future, and soon spending the rest of my life with him.

The man that I love, Natsu Dragneel.


Natsu's POV:

The girl who's walking in front of me, I must be dreaming. I have never thought that I'll see her walking down the aisle and I am the one who's waiting. I'm just a son of a servant that fell in love with her since we were kids, I never had such wish of marrying her because of our status in life. I was a coward, I was scared that's why I work hard to reach where am I right now.

All of the memories, all of the moments we spend together; all of those laughs, tears, and secrets we shared. I will cherish every single one. Because those moments, those memories made who we are right now. Those are the reasons why we are here and who we are right this very moment.

My heart feel so relieved and very happy that I was the one who is waiting for her at the end of the aisle. I am very happy that any moment, she's going to be my wife. She was the one I'm going to see as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, and the last woman I'll see when I close my eyes at night. We'll make children that'll make the house bright. I'm just happy that I'll be his husband, I'm more than lucky.

I thought I was going to save my tears, but I just can't express how grateful I am. I can't help but to smile and tear up as I saw her beautiful eyes looking into mine.

A few more steps...

A few more steps, she's finally mine.


"Before I start the ceremony, is there someone who wants to object?" The priest asked.

"Go and object, you'll spend your last day here." Erza said and everybody laugh.

"Oh, so no one?" The priest was about to start when someone barge in the church.

"Wait!" Everyone look at the ones who talked. It was Loke.


"What are you doing, bro?!" Gray asked him.

"Yo, yo. Calm down! I'm just late, those girls are following me. I shouldn't miss this wedding. Wait, I'm gonna sit down now." He headed beside Gray. "Now, continue." He said and everyone sighed in relief and laugh how foolish Loke is. Lucy laughed on how foolish Loke is and how nervous Natsu was.

"You got worked up, ain't you?" Lucy asked Natsu and Natsu just rolled his eyes.

"Let's continue."

The ceremony starts and everything went perfectly fine.

"Lucy Heartfilia, do you take Natsu Dragneel, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live, and till death do you part?"

Natsu looked at Lucy's eyes. She smiled and nods.

"Yes, I do."

"Natsu Dragneel, do you take Lucy Heartfilia, to be your lawfully—" Natsu didn't let the priest to finish and cut his sentence.

"Yes, I do. I really do. You won't be mad if I cut you in mid-sentence right? I just do." Everybody in the church laughed as well as the priest.

"So, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Natsu pulled over Lucy's veil and look at her eyes. He softly cupped her cheeks and smiled widely.

"You're mine and I'm yours."

As soon as their lips touched, the clap of the audience's hands resonate in the church. Flower petals were thrown to them as they walk outside the church. Some shouted, some clapped their hands with all of their hearts, some cried and some smiled. Everyone is happy.

Happiness was seen in their eyes, smiles, and actions. This was the perfect definition of a happy ending.

"I'm yours and you're mine."

In this world, where the cliché "a princess should marry a prince" takes place, many tried to conquer, many tried to challenge but only those who have a strong will wins. The world between a servant and a princess is not too large, too wide, or too enormous. As long as there is love between YOU and I, no mountain is too high and no ocean is too wide for us not to find home in each others' arms.

We might be ending here, but this is only just the beginning of a lifetime together. The world between us is now LOVE.

In between you and I is love, that'll make us stay together, forever.

- Natsu and Lucy Dragneel

The End.

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