Chapter 5: Is It The End?

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3 years passed...

"Are you ready?"


"Your journey may take a while, you'll leave the country so packed as much as you need, okay? And come back right after your job! Your nephews will miss you."

"Yes, understood."

"Ah, by the way, an invitation come along the way for you."

"An invitation?"

"Someone left it at the mailbox, it's for you."

"Thanks." He opened the envelope.

'You are invited to the wedding of Loke Leo and Lucy Heartfilia'

"I see. I should really leave the country after all. Thanks a lot, Lucy."


"Lady Lucy, Lord Loke is here." A servant told her. Lucy stopped doing her paper works.

"Let him in." Then Loke went in with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, beautiful." Loke brought flowers for her and Lucy accept it with delight.

"Good morning, Mr. Flirt." She stood up and sat down in front of Loke. Loke just laughed at her statement.

"Are we going to plan today as well? Should we distribute all the invitations?" Loke asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"If I were to ask, of course, so should we?" Lucy asked back at him and Loke just smiled.

"You know, Lucy. I'm thankful for giving me a chance, despite of what happened between you and Natsu, did you move-"

"It's been 3 years, Loke. Besides, we're getting married. I'm fulfilling what my parents wanted, besides I don't see anyone that will be my husband at all." Lucy said.

"Do you really want to do this? I mean, I know that it's been 3 years already, but you never look for him. Are you just gonna let the fate do its thing?" Loke said and Lucy went silent. "Look, Lucy. I do love you, forget my flirt characteristic before, I've changed and I'm willing to do anything for you. I'll be the perfect husband for you, but I can't make you happy. Tell me, are you truly and going happy with me?" Loke asked and Lucy looked at him.


"Lucy, doesn't mean you're smiling every single day with me, it doesn't mean you're truly happy. I can't make you happy forever, you're smiling but there's a hole in your life, and I am not the one who should fix that hole, I cannot." Loke said sincerely while looking at her eyes. "The reason why you didn't marry me before was because you don't want to marry someone you love right? Don't even bother to tell me that after Natsu leave you taught yourself to love me. It doesn't work that way. As a man, I know and I feel that you still love him after all. The way you used to smile at him, the way you used to laugh when you're with him, the way your eyes look at him, and on me, it's all different, Lucy." Loke smiled and rest his back on the chair.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize for not loving me."

"I'm sorry that I wasted your time and effort. I'm sorry that I can't return you the love and affection you're giving me. But believe me, I tried." Lucy teared up. Loke wiped her tears.

"I told you, you don't have to apologize. You're just being kind to me. Besides, it's our parents fault to make this such agreement. It's not your fault." Loke said with a smile and comforts Lucy.

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