Open season

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Jazz music plays in the background as the bau ladies sit in the Smokey bar. Emily saunters over followed by a guy dressed in a suit "ladies, this is Brad" Emily introduces the man as she places the drinks down on the table "a real FBI agent" she adds, earning shocked expressions from all of the women "really?" The three sat down say in unison "no way" Ivy says, stifling a laugh "that's exciting. What's it like at
quan-ti-co?" Penelope asks.
"It's uh, quite impressive" Brad reply's.
"What department are you in?" Jj asks, biting down on a peanut "that's classified" Brad reply's "ooh, it must be really tough keeping all those secrets" Ivy continues.
"You know, it's a skill like anything else" he says with a smug grin, thinking he has them.
"Well, somebody has got to do it" Emily shrugs "oh do you have to carry your gun and badge?" Emily continues, faking a really excited expression "affirmative" Brad confirms
"can we see it?" Ivy asks, pretending to flirt with the guy "I'm sorry that's-"
"Classified" the women say in unison.

They all share a look "tell me Brad, does it look anything like this?" Emily asks, flashing her badge "or this?" Penelope flashes hers
"Or, uh, this?" Jj shows him her badge.
"Or maybe, these?" Ivy shows him her badge and folds one leg over the other, slightly exposing the ankle holster she's hidden beneath her trouser leg.

The girls laugh as an annoyed and disappointed Brad walks away "men." They all say in unison between laughs before Jj goes to take a phone call "You're fitting in just right" Penelope says to Emily before clinking their glasses and that's when the news hits. A case.

The team were now in a more casual state since getting the news they're 'off roading' for this case. Ivy crosses her legs in her regular seat, staring down at the cuffs of her denim dungarees and black platform converse "transporting young, fit, victims from Washington to Idaho poses huge risks" hotchner points out as Jj makes her way through the jet, handing out still warm case files "must have a good reason to chance getting pulled over or having the victims escape" Ivy reply's, pulling the sleeves of her red turtleneck over her hands "it says here that every year, 100 or so people go missing in Idaho's wilderness. With millions of acres to cover, 1/3 of them are never found" Spencer, who is dressed surprisingly casual reads "it offers privacy and the possibility the body will never be recovered; wild animals could eat it or it'll get buried in the shrub. Now I understand Jjs fear of the wood's, maybe the unsubs more comfortable there" Ivy says.

Ivy sits cross legged on the edge of the table at the precinct, facing the map of the woods Spencer and Aaron are trying to navigate, Jj is piling files in Ivy's lap as she skims through them.

Jj is soon whisked away to talk to a victims family, leaving Spencer and Ivy "what weapon goes straight through a body?" She ponders aloud, sipping on her mug of freshly brewed coffee "I don't know. Have you heard from Ethan?" Spencer asks. Ivy pulls her knees up to her chest, fiddling with the laces on her shoes "maybe..." she grins, poking Spencer in the forehead with the rubber of her pencil "do you like him?" He interrogates her slightly. Ivy shrugs "i suppose, I don't see it going anywhere"
"You said you wanted to start putting down roots"
"There's putting down roots and then there's sleeping with someone, Spence. It's not going to effect you if that's what you're scared about"
"No, no, honestly. It's cool-very cool"
"You may be a good profiler but you're an insanely bad lier, Spence"
"It's not like I talk to him"
"I know, I think I'd be better suited with someone who has a stable job and lives In dc"
"Probably. Anderson?"
"Maybe. Ooooh! I was thinking-"
"- careful"
"Hey! For Halloween we could turn my house into a haunted house"
"I'm in. Halloween is in 9 months though"
"Gives you enough time to get pregnant and have a baby then, doesn't it"
"Ivy that's not really how it-"
"- I know"

The team congregate in the woods, somewhere Ivy doesn't typically go...nor Spencer "nah, this isn't it. I bloody hate the woods, I feel like I'm going to fall over" Ivy complains to Spencer on her treck to the sheriffs truck "I thought you're all for greenery" Spencer says, almost slipping down a pile of bark, earning a laugh from Ivy "house plants, Reid, not pine trees and psychotic hunters"
"You love Christmas though, you get a pine tree every year"
"I'm also allergic to them and get them delivered by a man called terry
"Why do you get a tree every year?"
"Anti histamines"
"Take them now then"
"No. I need an excuse to get out of this hell hole"

Ivy spots Gideon and Hotch ahead "I'm allergic to pine trees, can I go back to the precinct?" She shouts, gaining the attention of her two superiors "try again and take one of these" Gideon says, throwing her a pack of anti histamines "I actually have specially medicated ones" she calls from behind him. Spencer takes the box from her "they have your name on them" he points out. Ivy lets out a loud groan, throwing her head back dramatically "no, I'm a doctor and I say that I need to go back to the precinct before someone has to smother me in calamine cream"
"I'm sure Reid would volunteer!" Morgan shouts "no one asked you, Derek!" Ivy shouts back "technically, I also am a doctor and I say that you stay"
"No, I out rule you I have a bachelors in biology"
"Both of you, get to work" hotch orders, forcing Spencer to walk in a different direction.

Ivy is left standing alone on an at-least 2 foot tall rock "hello?!" She shouts, being ignored by everyone there "Spencer?!" She shouts again, weighing up the possibility of just jumping off the rock. Spencer doesn't come. Derek however does "got to admit, you look kind of cute stuck up there, you know, out of the way" he says from the ground "not the time!" She hollers "fine! Fine! I'm sorry!" He apologises before wrapping an arm around her legs and practically throwing her over his shoulder "Derek! This is not what I had in mind!"
"Tough. I'm taking you to the team!"

The team had barely noticed Derek had gone, until he shows up with Ivy over his shoulder "what the?" Emily laughs, furrowing her brows slightly, as do Jj and Spencer. "Yes. Right, that's-thank you Derek" she says as Derek places her on the floor "I don't even want to know" hotch states, holding his hands up
"Ivy got her 5 foot 2 self stuck on a rock" Derek explains "actually I'm 5 foot 3 and Reid left me on a rock" Ivy argues, pointing her finger at Spencer "hey! You weren't on the rock when I left you" Spencer squeaks, defending himself "yeah, stepped off of the rock! Because your legs are like the length of Russia!"

After a very long and painful takedown with the unsub, the team load themselves onto the jet. Emily and Morgan crack open a bottle of something, Hotch and Ivy do their reports, Jj flips through a magazine and Gideon and Spencer play a game of chess.

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